How socialized medicine becomes politicized and paralyzed: Brit judge orders treatment, hospital refuses. BBC. At least in England you can pay your own doctor if you want to. In Canada, you're chained to the government plantation. But it's a short drive to the US for freedom and choice in medical treatment.
The continued growth of mega-churches. Congregations of 16,000? CSM. It is difficult for a Yankee, where our Protestant churches often have 150-300 members, to comprehend how such huge churches can feel like congregations instead of like rock concerts. But it clearly works for folks. It's not for me, but God bless 'em.
De-bugging Australia. Bed bug infestation. Gross. Hey, Aussies: wash your sheets and call 1-800-Mattress.
Specter claims Admin broke law. If so, please fix the law.
Iran, Arabs love Bill Clinton. Why? Newsmax
Marsh Arabs restoring their marshes, with a little help. Amazing. Big Lizard. Saddam destroyed the Birthplace of Civilization, just to eliminate political enemies. What a destructive, dangerous, low-life scumbag. Not to mention that those marshes are an important migratory bird location.
Is there something emotionally missing in Hillary? Orlando Sentinel. Yes, there is something about her that feels creepy and insincere. And I am talking psychology, not politics. A Nixonian streak.
Why isn't the Admin showcasing the US economic boom? Good question. Kudlow
PC interfering with clear thinking and honest speech in Europe. Blair has been the worst offender, according to MacQueen at TCS. This kind of BS offends me: do I have to burn a building for someone to care about my feelings?
Americans are comfortable with nuclear power. CSM. Let's get lots of it. Cheap, clean, and endless.