Don't hold your breath. Their jobs are far too important to let truth get in the way of what they want to do for us. A sordid business, closely related to and affiliated with prostitution of every sort. A sorry bunch of losers in life, even when they win elections and get rich in the process.
Everybody knows that politicians lie and manipulate routinely, which is why most people view them as a necessary evil despite their endless claims of being our moral and intellectual superiors. It must be interesting to be in a sales job in which the product is insulated from either performance results or meaningful competition.
Codevilla: Lies Corrupt Democracy.
A quote:
Today’s Democrats argue that, some deceptive language aside, President Obama had every right to implement his view of medical care for America, as well as other things, because he was elected twice having promised something of the sort. But, in 1974, Republicans could have argued that Nixon had been elected twice, the second time by the largest margin in US history, specifically to undo the 1960s. In fact, Nixon’s lies about what he knew of his subordinates’ misdeeds were entirely irrelevant to the purpose for which he had been elected. Why should the Republican constituencies who had worked so hard have given up on the Nixon Administration? Why did Barry Goldwater, Mr. conservative himself, go to the White House to tell Nixon he had to resign?