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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 12. 2013Tuesday morning links, with a biennial Maggie's Farm polite request to our readers Quibbles aside, we'd like to rise above #120. Our readers can do that for us, by letting their friends, neighbors, relatives, enemies, colleagues, and websites know that we exist. I think we're an interesting and sometimes provocative site that almost anybody can enjoy and, sometimes, learn from. We do enjoy producing it for our readers, and for our own fun as a hobby. With that said, onward to this morning's diverting link dump:
The 11 Cultural Nations which make up the USA The guy got a stent, and it causes him to recall tropical fishing Democrats Want Doctors To Be Owned By The State Why not lawyers? Scared of the dentist? This is why, say neuroscientists Because people have a brain UC Berkeley Student Government Bans Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Voting a reality into existence. Must be a fun fantasy for schoolkids. Another Climate Conference? Let’s Not, And Say We Did First 3D-Printed Metal Gun! That Addresses Politicians' Detectability Worries, Right? Postal Service to Make Sunday Deliveries for Amazon Like government in general, being dragged kicking and screaming into the De Blasio plan will keep 16,000 students out of charters Keep the voters poor and stupid A Lefty mugged by Obamacare reality It's terrible being a black guy at UCLA Life After Blue: America Needs To Stop Eating Its Young Venezuela arrests looters, store bosses in 'economic war' Exposing Rich-versus-Poor Demagoguery - Dems in 2016 will replay de Blasio’s “inequality” theme — the GOP should stress income mobility. Are Millennials Turning Their Backs on the American Dream? Carpe: Politicians should either set all wages and prices, or none NYT Projects Severe South Florida Ocean Flooding Based on No Data Trackbacks
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Re: mugged by Obummercare reality
I don't say Stuart is a liar, but in my experience, "Liberals and other assorted leftists are happy to pay higher premiums because they see themselves as martyrs for the cause" is inaccurate. They want somebody else to pay (the "rich" first, but just as long as it's somebody else). I suspect that those who were bitching at her (the subject of the column) for complaining that she was having to pay a lot more for less health insurance don't see themselves as part of the funding solution for the "Over 33 million people who did not have insurance are now going to get it". I would wait for their premiums to skyrocket and see what they say then. Re: Eating our young
The dirty secret is that regardless who came up with the plan to solve Social Security, Medicare, etc. - Pubbie or Demoncrat - the young will pay for it. Democrats (and some Pubbies) have gifted us with this entitlement scheme and the pro-abortion folks are actively thinning out the ranks of the young. It's a policy for disaster that will end badly. Not to worry, the solid wall of sophistry, dazzle/baffle and out right lying will keep everyone in the line.
Though how to get out of this cannibal frenzy, requires more than knee jerks, it requires courage. Re: Another climate conference
I thought we are now actually adhering to Keyoto! I think the underlying theme of these great confabs is "party like it's 1999".
In my experience the business world has largely curtailed the fun since oh about the great correction of 2001. The taxpayer shakedown artists of government and NGOs have not yet received the memo. Yeah yeah, I know. Beating a dead horse here, but this is an interesting read and contains some things I did not know. From the article The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues
Some excerpts: But clearly, as he grew older and entered politics, he saw that any documents revealing a foreign birth – Selective Service registration, birth certificate, school applications, etc – would be problematic if he ran for the presidency. Thus, it is not a coincidence that every document which contains information about his birth or citizenship is either missing, sealed, or has been altered. The lack of documents regarding Obama also extends to his mother and to his grandparents. Indeed, researchers have been unable to find marriage licenses for his mother’s two marriages, assuming she was ever legally married. Ditto goes for the marriage license for Ann’s parents. They cannot find birth certificates for her, her parents, or for even for her grandparents. Even more so, despite Obama’s boast of his grandfather’s military service, there’s no record of that either. For reasons no one knows, much of Obama’s life, his mother’s life and his grandparent’s life has been erased from the records as if they never existed. ...... why would someone obtain so many Social Security numbers? According to investigators, those who create additional Social Society numbers are typically engaged in criminal activities such as Social Security fraud, tax fraud, real estate fraud," http://www.westernjournalism.com/exclusive-investigative-reports/the-mystery-of-barack-obama-continues/#KpEYOgoDLEkUP6HG.99 Does any of this stuff matter at this point? Probably not. I just find it curious. I think it does matter. You often here people say what difference does it make because it's too late he has already been elected. But it makes a huge difference. For example if he could not constitutionally be president is anything he has done or signed legal? Another point is he didn't do this alone, there is a vast cabal out there that has engineered this the greatest fraud in history. Who did it? What else did they conspire to do? Who knowingly covered it up after the fact and why? The answer to these questions would not only require some perp walks and jail time but it might well expose what amounts to a secret society. My feeling here is, just as I explain to my kids and grandkids, that I can tell when you are lying. I may not know exactly what the lie is or the exact truth but I can tell when you are lying. And Obama and his minions are lying, have been lying for years (probably since Aug 4, 1961) and their lies amount to a conspiracy to bring down the constitutional republic of the United States. Exposing this fraud and the greater conspiracy behind it may be the most important thing we can do.
"Centrist/Libertarian, traditionalist, common-sensical" sounds pretty darned "politically conservative" to me! Just consider the alternative and who holds those views? WUWT Fishing Trip: Most enjoyable story.
Doctors: Not just doctors. All must serve the State! UC Berkeley: Words have mysterious powers. Evil words have more power, as they define Evil. 3-D metal pistols!: The Horror! The horror... USPS delivering for UPS and FedEx? A win-win solution if I ever heard one! DeBlasio: Why should poor kids get a good education? What could they possibly do with it? He has better ways to waste that money; he has cronies! Venezuela: Racing to the bottom with increasing speed. NYT has no problem stating sea level rises or any other thing with no data to back it up. They employ MoDo, Paullie "The Beard" Krugman, "Tommie LOOOOVES China" Friedman, and they back Barry. Regarding Mr. Woodard’s “Up in Arms”: It’s all nice and good to know we Irish and Scots and Scandinavians and other borderlanders are violent to our soul, and Northern Europeans below Denmark are all about peace and making money, but who killed all the Native Americans/Indians? Surely not all were victims of Appalachian/Deep South gunmen.
Most native Americans died from disease. No smallpox blankets were given to them or snuck into their wigwam they got the diseases the same way humans have always gotten them. Some historians have stated that the European immigrants had an immunity to these diseases so they lived while the Indians without that immunity died. Not true. During the 400-500 years (depending on how you count. Far more of the immigrants died from these diseases then Indians. Until the beginning of the 20th century it was common for half of all children to die from childhood diseases before reaching the age of 21. There was a significant difference in how the disease ran through an indian population in that they didn't have any knowledge of how to care for the sick (what do you do for someone with smallpox in 1492?) so few of them got better by themselves. A little known fact is that there were some diseases from the new world that were unknown in Europe, so the natives had some revenge. One new world disease, syphilis, was transmitted on a blanket (or under it or maybe near one).
But most of the violence that resulted in Indian deaths also resulted in immigrant deaths. It is likely that the Indians pretty much killed as many immigrants as immigrants killed Indians. I had my upper wisdom teeth extracted very late in life, and because it was so long delayed, I also had to have a root canal. Neither procedure caused any pain at all. In fact, with local anesthetic, neither one was any more uncomfortable than a typical filling. Sure, there was a lot of "tugging" going on during the extraction, but there was nothing even remotely like the discomfort I'd expected based on the common reputation the procedure has. Dentistry a la the movie "Marathon Man" it was not. The root canal was actually somewhat interesting for me to watch, given the big microscope and all. Again, there was no pain involved, so I'm left a bit puzzled why this procedure also gets such a bad rap. It was expensive, sure, but it was not painful or uncomfortable.
I had my wisdom teeth extracted by a military dentist. He had never done one before and was looking for more experience. Two dentists in fact, neither had any experience with wisdom teeth and the second dentist wanted to observe. They scheduled me for an hour and were gong to take out both lower wisdom teeth. My lower wisdom teeth were impacted and the roots kind of wrapped around making a good grip on the bone or whatever they attach to. SO they cut it in half and began to pull on one of the halves with no success. They consulted and decided to cut it into 4ths but the dentist by now was impatient since my hour was almost up and the tooth was still solidly in my jaw. So he took a short cut and after cutting one of the halves nearly through he tried to break it with an odd shaped tool. It looked a lot like a broken and twisted screwdriver. He was a small man and got onto the chair with me in a kind of "cowgirl" position and the observing dentist stood looking over his shoulder. He applied as much force and torque as his small frame allowed and promptly slipped and sent the bent and broken screwdriver into my gums just behind my wisdom tooth. I felt my mouth fill with something warm and noticed the observer suddenly turn away with a very bad look on his face like he had seen something scary. The dentist looked at me, still sitting on my lap and asked if I was OK. I actually felt nothing and so I gurgled to him to continue. After cleaning up the blood and getting it to stop bleeding the dentist went back to the drill/grinder to cut the two halves into four fourths and once this was done he was able to pull each piece of the broken tooth out. By now it was about two hours into the hour appointment and a LTC was also in the room looking over the other shoulder of my now very concerned dentist. They packed something into the hole from the tooth and the hole from the broken screwdriver and then he asked me if I slept in an upper or lower bunk. I replied "upper" and he said as he gave me some pills to take them "after" I climbed into the bunk and also gave me a paper releasing me from any duties for the next two days. It was pretty painful once the novacaine wore off. But the pills were good, killed the pain and put me to sleep. My second appointment was two weeks later and I was met by the dentists and his observer friend who asked how I was and then told me that they had made a bet that I wouldn't come back. But they sent me to the military hospital where an oral surgeon removed the remaining three wisdom teeth with no problems and in less then half an hour. It took about a year for my gums to return to normal, I had this hole that would fill with food when I ate and ache at night. Beware of dentists with broken screwdrivers.