Image at right borrowed from Atlas
. Guess what, jerks.
I will insult or criticize anyone I please, whenever I want. And I am armed, so please try to cut my head off. No 9 mm weenie arms, either. You will not enjoy the consequences, because Mohammed has run out of virgins. Hard to find them, nowadays.
Buy Danish: The new computer-generated LEGOs, at Samiz.
Valentine's Day: How to get a girl in ten days. Chris' Super Blog
The big news is the economy, producing for the US a 4.7% unemployment rate - the lowest since 2001. Do not hold your breath until the MSM lauds the "Bush Economy."
Silly story of the week - silly but disturbing. The Moslem cartoon flap. Michelle has been all over this story, with disturbing photos from London here. And LGF has a blasphemy update: several pieces in a row on the blasphemy issue in Norway, Indonesia, Denmark, etc, with a piece by VDH. Cavanaugh at Reason says the whole thing is healthy. Latest embassy torchings at Gateway. Not healthy.
The Winter Games begin next week. I don't hear anyone talking about it. Turin prepares: CSM
Pennsylvanian soliders in Iraq prepare for Superbowl. Special food too.
Iran reported to Security Council. Only Venezuela, Cuba and Syria voted against. WFT? No doubt this will accomplish a lot. BBC