Yes, we are finally updating our blogroll. Will provide a list of all of those sites we use, but have neglected to list, soon.
Yet another piece on the uselessness of the military 9 mm. One Hand Clapping
Michelle on the Danish-Moslem issue. The French caved on free speech, not let's see if the Brits do. And what about us? Michelle is on it, including how it is coming to the Brits too. (Image borrowed from Michelle)
Black families flee the government plantation in Minneapolis. H/T, Powerline. Given the freedom to do so, it would happen across the US - black, white, and other.
5'9", and scores 113 points.
As mentioned in the Dalrymple piece we posted earlier today, more on the French failure to produce visas for visitors to the US: Travelwire.
Union using non-union labor to picket Walmart. Hmmm.
Bush's poll numbers graph - pre- SOTU: Right nation
Will Brokeback Mountain create a Wyoming tourism boom? It was filmed in Canada.
Safe travel. Store your travel documents online. Good idea.