The latest on hormone relacement: Science Times
It looks good for Lynn Swann in PA
Are doctors prepared for the big moral decisions? Overby at The New Atlantis thinks not. And he is one of them. I suspect that he is mostly wrong.
How to ration beer and snacks at a Superbowl Party. But who would be so cruel?
A Lefty pro-abortion person tells Dems how they could have defeated Alito. My DD
Mass. defeated offering tuition breaks to illegals. Missed the conslusion of that story. Amazing.
A good, hard-working blogger throws in the towel. Blogging is a bitch. Quoted from the fine, but recently- defunct Conservative Friends. Sad:
What I'm really here to say is this: I'm done. No one reads this site. No one visits here. I've done everything I know for a year and a half to promote this site and traffic has actually gone DOWN. I'm tired and instead of being fun, it's become a pain in the ass. I dread every day trying to come up with enough content to keep a tiny handful of people from leaving along with everyone else. I can't do it anymore.