Bush on Iran: Jihad Watch
Sheehan at the SOTU. Johnson at Frontpage looks into the ridiculous details. She is great for comedy, at her expense. Call it tragicomedy.
Lots of bloggers on the story of France-Soir publishing the Moslem cartoons. Dr. Sanity has a nice post on the subject, also commenting on Slick Willy's loathsome comments. And the latest on this silly story at CSM.
Sen Reed (who he? D, RI) thought Alito wanted too much religious freedom, so voted against. You can't make this stuff up. Anchor Rising. Hey, RI - you are marching to your own kazoo.
Is there a "right" to a child? Touchstone says no. Of course not - what a dumb idea.
The Amazin' Dancin' Alito. Pretty cute. Court Jester
Math teachers are hard to find. Yeah, math is sooooo hard. Especially if you can't think straight or clearly. Education Wonks
The whining of the MSM. Finally, another arrogant quasi-monopoly falls. Buzzmachine. Teddy Roosevelt would love it. Welcome, newspapers, to the Kodak, Inc. experience. Or should I say the "Kodak Moment"? Obsolete tree-killers.
Hand-holding is good during stress. Yes indeed it is, at any age. Accidental Verbosity.