I promised, a while ago, to do something on the Dark Side of God. But it is a tricky, teacherous path to walk, and I am surely not the person to blog on the subject. The Christian's God may be a God of love, but love is not a simple matter, is it? A God of love is no cuddly thing. Life isn't Sunday School, either. Nor did C.S. Lewis select the giant lion Aslan, to depict a divinity, casually.
So I will refer you to this site, with a weighty piece on the Dark Side of God, by Nysse at the Luther Seminary. Be forewarned - he does refer to the "cheap, trivial Grace so often proferred in our midst." Sadly, the site will not permit me to cut and paste some quotes. Powerful stuff for those who are interested.
theme is a major source of the cheap, trivial grace so frequently proffered in our
midst. How shall we preach and teach the dark side of God? Candidly and hon-
estly—with regard to both the biblical texts and our own lives—is the first answer.
New York City Fun (and old bars)Cooking ducksHosta CityOverfishing and the Atlantic Fish Crisis (yes, it is a real crisis, if you like fish either on your plate or in the sea)The Dark Side of God?
Tracked: May 05, 08:11