A personal look at the abortion issue by Am Princess
The Gaia Theory: I hope this fellow Lovelock is wrong. And, in keeping with the theme, very strong positive review of the 2007 Tahoe.
Stunningly beautiful cinematography. See it. Hero (2004)
Cats think HDTV is reality.
Ahmadinejad update: Method to his madness? Telegraph. And more on the cult of the Hidden Imam: LGF
Pacifists: One person highlighted by YARGB. And the Methodist Bishops.
Did The Netherlands (!) take anti-terror efforts too far? RTLC
Murtha needs a neurological check-up. Unbelievable. Ankle-Biting
Rowland's successor, Repub. Rell, on track in CT. Calif. Yank. How did she do that?
Shadegg seems to be the bloggers' favorite. Kudlow.