As we head into Spring with snow still on the ground and snow predicted for tomorrow, here's what I'm seeing here in Yankeeland:
Carolina Wren
Tufted Titmouse
Mourning Dove
Red Wing Blackbird
Purple Grackle
Song Sparrow
Downy Woodpecker
White Throated Sparrow
still some Juncos
Robins in flocks, mostly males
lots of Golden Crowned Kinglets
Blue Jay
Sharp Shinned Hawks
House Finches
White-Breasted Nuthatch
Canada Geese on the move, overhead
As my brother and I were beginning to clean out the parents' garage, at my Dad's request, yesterday, we found 8 wren and Bluebird houses. I'll put a few up here at the HQ, and the rest at the farm on my next trip up. We have a large Bluebird contingent up there but they have to compete with the Tree Swallows for the nest boxes. Birds compete for housing, just like people.