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Friday, March 8. 2013Friday morning links
LIFE With Steve McQueen: Photos of the King of Cool in 1963 A free download: GPlates is desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics. Superb Great Courses/Teaching Company course on sale: Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Rise of Nations “Notes from the Afterlife,” 13 Rent and the single girl in NYC At Columbia, Costly Target of Brazen Thefts: Nutella What Liberals Need to Understand About 'Gun Guys' Officials: 80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read Democrat strategist says you just have to tell men not to rape in order for them to stop Florida Dem Wants Anger Management Course Requirement For Ammunition Purchases Unemployment in France hits 14-year high Re Rand Paul: Will the Left Finally Get the Tea Party Now? We’re seeing a profile in courage, properly understood, that could prove transformative not just for the GOP. Will the Left Ever Give an Inch on Entitlements? On Charlie Rose, Scarborough Hands Krugman His ‘Denver Moment’ North Korea says it will launch nuclear attack on America How did Chavez end up with $2 billion in the bank? Funny how lucky Lefties always get with their investments. Everybody still wonders how Harry Reid has $10 million after a life in "government service." The new Burma Comments
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Scarborough Hands Krugman His ‘Denver Moment’
Krugman is a legend - at least he thinks so. Just because you got lucky once and fooled the other Voodoo Witch Doctors into thinking that his Voodoo was stronger than their Voodoo doesn't mean he's a genius. Like most economists, it's all looking backward and being a Monday Morning Quarterback ain't all that hard. How did Chavez end up with $2 billion in the bank? He earned it? you just have to tell men not to rape in order for them to stop The link is doubled up with the ammunition link. Ace made a point yesterday in his discussion of this particular moron that makes sense. This ain't Star Trek where all the world's ills have been solved and we all live in peace and harmony. One of the things that most have missed in this kerfuffle is this stellar statement- "Men HAVE TO BE TRAINED NOT TO RAPE". Er.....ok. “Notes from the Afterlife,” 13 I like Jeff Goldstein's view on issues, but I can't take him in large doses. He reminds me of a print version of Sheldon Cooper - he's smart, he knows he's smart, he attracts people who are smart like he is and speaks to them in language only he and them can understand - everybody else is stupid. Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Rise of Nations I just ordered the DVD. I tried one of their courses and really enjoyed it - this looks like something really interesting. Re: How to Identify Cowboy Hat Styles
what they call the "Mountie" is really a "Montana Peak", based on modifications to the M1883 and M1903 service hat, or the M1911 as issued. this hat appears in The Wild Bunch opening shoot out. They actually say "Mountie or Montana hat" in the small print.
So, are hats going to come back now that we have drone surveillance? Especially, now that a bad use of this exciting new technology would be to constantly scan for minute indicators in a crowd's faces. On the upside of the technology is we may see the medical tri-corder become a reality. I think the hold up is getting the whirring sound right. Re: What Liberals Need to Understand About 'Gun Guys'
QUOTE: How did the act of carrying a weapon every day affect you? There's a part of every gun guy that wants to carry a gun because you get to be with your gun all the time. I know that sounds weird, but not if you like guns, you like handling them. Most of the time you don't get to. You take them out of the safe once or twice a year. this is creepy. no wonder why the libtards think of us as psychotics. I've shot competitive trap weekly for the last ten years or so, somewhere, at some level. my shotguns are tools. if I'm not at the range, I don't think about them. that's a good looking broomhandle mauser though. I'm, suspecting that one is this:
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/rent_and_the_single_girl_aQ33tvvy3UkENCzo1BgBMM And to avoid the spam cop, I'll add an inappropriately threaded bit about the Nutella: My understanding is that this is a dormitory meal-plan type of food establishment, and that it is a self-serve cafeteria-buffet style, and that they provide take-out containers so that the students can grab the food and take it away with them to eat back in their rooms. If they want to call it theft, it seems to me they need to take away the take-out containers and have staff monitoring people's portion sizes. Regarding Columbia students and Nutella,
First, why exactly is their a problem with students taking what they "need" from the cafeteria that has all the Nutella? Is't that the socialist way? Should we not applaud this redistribution of Nutella? Secondly, why the hell hasn't Bloomberg banned large Nutella jars? It's chocolate, sugar and hazelnuts, surely that is on the do-not-eat list in NY City? At least in large jars that cause students to eat to much. They should limit the Nutella to individual serving sizes only. QUOTE: And lawmakers need to stop thinking that the NRA represents gun owners, because only 4 percent of gun owners belong to the NRA. Remember that powerful, well-funded organization that many of the Progs claims owns Congress so we can't have "reasonable" gun control....only has 4% of gun owners as members. So all those scary large numbers about NRA membership tossed about, well, they are teeny tiny portion of lawful gun owners. 'Ryan Grim and Mollie Reilly of the Huffington Post observed: "...progressives who might have assumed to have been supportive were absent, leaving members of the GOP as the sole defenders of civil liberties. The White House was equally silent." '
Those PuffHo folks ain't been payin' attention! And no, they will NOT understand the Tea Party because it speaks Truth to THEIR power. I don't recall ever being directly told not to rape girls and women, but I haven't. Paullie "The Beard" Krugman just KNOWS he's so smart. He be wrong. Officials: 80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read.
This is a misleading header. More accurate: CUNY Officials: 80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read well enough to successfully complete college level courses. They must take remediation courses first. make that "community college". totally pathetic.
but you know they can all twitterer and update their bookface status. I like how they phrase it. The students must "relearn". Uh, no, they must learn. They must be re-taught.
The problem is, for all the attendance, all the testing, all the whatever, the student didn't learn how to read. It that a teacher problem, a school organization problem, a curriculum problem... Lots of opinions. But one thing that is a fact, is the students did not learn from the time they spent in school, being taught the curriculum as directed by the school organization. From the article:
"And that the number of students needing remedial courses to do college work has declined slightly — by half a percentage point overall." vs: "The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday." Here's another interesting comparison: "Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system." compared to: "In sheer numbers it means that nearly 11,000 kids who got diplomas from city high schools needed remedial courses to re-learn the basics." NYC schools only had ~13750 graduates in recent years? The article is so self-contradictory that it is really hard to tell, but I think what they are really saying is this: 80% of those in a community college remedial program who were also graduates of NYC schools needed remedial help with reading. You know, one of the most effective means of reducing the wealth gap is literacy.
So perhaps it is not that the wealthy are taking a larger share, perhaps it is that the fine progressive public education is reducing the chances of so many of those starting out on the low end of the wealth scale from gaining any ground. Add in the Progressive efforts to inhibit hiring of the unskilled and educationally deficient through high minimum wage laws. Even the Progressive hostility toward low-skill employee businesses in urban areas near where the poor live due to their unseemly and manual nature through zoning, urban renewal boards and permitting restrictions increases the wealth gap, especially for those the progressive education system has failed to teach basic literacy. On the upside, our finest Progressive universities have vowed to reduce the skill gap between the haves and have nots by pretty much not teaching their graduates any useful skills while placing them in crippling debt. First they steal the forks and spoons from the dining hall. Then it's the Nutella. The next thing you know they are plagiarizing and cheating in the classroom, with the excuse that "everyone does it." Nutella---it's the slippery slope.
Lived about 4 miles away from "Steve" in high school. He was great! The guys in our school liked to work on cars. Souped up the Fords and Chevies from the 50's. My boyfriend used to work on his car in a garage SM hung around in. One day convertible with top down pulled up in front of my house. Boyfriend jumped out and Mc Queen waved him off! GD was I a happy high schooler that day! saw him a couple of other times. I think that was 1959/60 could have been early 61. Warner brothers back lot was close by and there was a long straight narrow road no on/offs for about 3 miles--we raced there on Friday nights.
Regarding the Democrat who said that men need to be told not to rape: Look more closely at the comment. She uses the very common phrase on the left, "we need to start the conversation there." It's telling. That's the point - to talk about it. That's the goal, to have conversations, not solve problems. Because they are very good at having conversations, and it gives them the opportunity to shine. Having conversations increases their status. Solving problems increases someone else's status.
And, like gun control, it is punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. I for one would be offended to have people telling me not to rape and would a lot more then resentful if it was done by our government as part of a legal function (as gun control has been handled). This is the wrong approach and I am confident that those pushing it know this so what is their actual agenda? Just as gun control is about control I think the effort to tell men not to rape is about control.
Tracked: Mar 10, 08:44