The dangers in abusing nominees: The Prof. Bush will get at least one more pick, probably two more. The court, plus freedom in the middle east, will be his legacy.
Sense about Roe v. Wade: Whether pro or con, leave it to the conscience and judgement of the voters: RCP
The anti-Al Quaida insurgents: Captain Ed
No shame: the Alito hearings: Chapman
2006 predictions: NE Repub
I rarely quote Powerline, because I assume everyone reads them, but I have to. John:
For the left, however, things have changed since the heady days of the 1970s. History doesn't seem to be flowing their way anymore, and liberals are mostly hanging on, giving ground grudgingly and waiting for better days to return. In this context, the overruling of Roe v. Wade would have significance far beyond abortion. It would mean the end of the one-way ratchet, and would be a visible symbol of the receding of the liberal tide. For that reason, I can understand the Democrats' feverish efforts to lock Roe in as inviolate, even though the immediate political fallout, if the case were reversed, might favor the Democrats.