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Monday, October 29. 2012A few Dark and Stormy cocktail hour links
What the heck were they doing there? McCain: Libya worst cover-up I've ever seen Obama Wants to Create a “Secretary of Business” in Second Term Insane on so many levels Justice Department Gives Hiring Priority to the Clinically Insane and Intellectually Disabled Romney pulls ahead in Ohio This was inevitable
Desperation driving Obama Is the Obama Machine Running Out of Steam? Article is an analysis of the machine Dem Pat Caddell disgusted with Obama and media collusion to re-elect Obama at all costs (h/t Nice Deb):
Posted by The News Junkie
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“Secretary of Business
Seriously? A Department of Business combining different agencies ala Homeland Security? Oh yeah - that will work. A Secretary of Business? Really? (love the picture of the sign on that article - "We built it, Obama killed it")
Just more proof that Obama really doesn't "get it." Government is NOT the answer! BTW, it is a dark and stormy cocktail hour here - I'm just a little over 1 mile from the Rariton Bay in NJ. As predicted the storm surge arrived at 10AM with the tide and flooded to "record" levels most of the small towns on the shore - some streets flooded (as they always do) while others which have never flooded were covered with at least 1-3 feet of water. Not good - not good at all. Tonight when the hurricane actually arrives and the high tide comes back (it actually did go down a bit - surprisingly) it most likely will flood even more. Not to curse those south of us; but, thankfully it looks like the eye will move up the Delaware Bay instead of hitting us on the Raritan. Although, I'm not sure it will make that much of a difference. At least this storm will be over by Friday - the mess Obama has created will take a lot longer to fix. I just hope Romney can actually fix things. (or are things too far gone?) Since 1968, the Democratic party base has consisted of those elements who are so dissatisfied with traditional America on a specific point that if a candidate offers to turn society in their favor on that point, everything else becomes irrelevant--including the candidate's stance on other issues, their competency, honesty or even their track record in delivering what they have offered. The cooperation between these elements has existed only in order to gain power for their own corner.
Thus those who want to live on public assistance for their entire lives, or who want to abort an unwanted pregnancy at any time for any reason, or who want society to grant their domestic arrangement the same respect and material benefits that it previously reserved for heterosexual monogamy, vote for the candidate with the (D) after his or her name, put out of their minds any consequence other than the advancement of the goal that this vote will bring, and treat as lies and propaganda any fact, argument, or suggestion that they consider other factors in their voting and support. The MSM is largely sympathetic with one or more of these elements, has sought to rationalize the motives of the Democratic base at every turn, and thus has proven time and again its willingness to repeat any lie and ignore any truth in order to accomplish that end. The Bounty moron were going from Connecticut to Florida trying to get around the storm. To it's west, around Cape Hatteras? Welcome to the Graveyard of the Atlantic. If the master isn't one of the missing, he's going to be standing charges of manslaughter.
The Master is missing along with the First Officer. Sad anyway you look at it.
First Officer's body recovered - Master is still missing and presumed dead.
True, but if you are going to be incompetent in command, better you die than one of your crew.
To go between a hurricane and the Gulf Steam with a massive wind field blowing north wind down that stream? That is terrifying enough in a gale. Over 600 ships known sunk along the Outer Banks --including the USS Monitor, of thge famous Hampton Roads Civil War ''battle of the ironclads'' (though strictly speaking, only the CSS Virginia [wrongly called ''Merrimac''] was clad in iron. USS Monitor 'was' iron.
An article that may particularly interest New Englanders and vampire aficionados:
The Great New England Vampire Panic http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-Great-New-England-Vampire-Panic-169791986.html We should not be surprised about the DOJ hiring the mentally challenged. After all look at what's happening to Saint Obama--he is supported by handpicked administrators and experts that came up through a failing school system--their work (mostly fems who have come up the easy way) has sadly destroyed the ability of the democrats to recover with grace. They have no ability to discuss and share in critical thinking--thus the man is without quality--as his entire generation that came through the same education system. You can see this best in the Libya debacle: none of his experts can answer a straight question with a straight answer--
What a beautiful, if sad, analysis, faculty wife. When one lives in the "echo chamber" one never has an opportunity to sharpen one's wits with (real) debate. There is also no opportunity for either side to work toward a synthesis of opinions if the only thing one can say about an opponent's argument is the equivalent of "you're a poopy-head". Susan Lee
Pat Caddell is right, the MSM is in the bag for Obama. I say, after the election, we throw them in the river
That the Non-Fox-Media is in the bag for Obummer is not news. It is a bit more news worthy that an (ex?) Democrat is willing to stand up and be counted. I think it is more newsworthy that a guy who worked for Jimmy Carter is that Democrat.
I've been waiting since the middle 1990s for someone to tell me where the outrage is and part of it is in Pat Caddell. Now, if it would just spread as it should. Oh yes? Please tell me which tough minded analytical job can be done by people with mental disabilities--it is an oxymoron. Perhaps, if the directive had used disability specific criteria as guidelines the DOJ might be better able to find truly capable disabled. Leaving the parameters wide open as they have leaves us with one more agency incapable of functioning at the "highest level". Which in it's self is disabling--to the entire nation.