Pic above: October in central Ohio
US Census may start asking sexual orientation questions
Designer Kitchens and the People Who Don’t Cook in Them:
NPR reports, “48 percent of the money spent on food in the U.S. today goes to a restaurant, while in 1955, only a quarter of every food dollar was spent in restaurants.”
England Now Arresting People For Calling Scientology a "Cult;" Also Arrested Gay Advocates Protesting Islam's Stance on Homosexuality
Gap Pulls "Manifest Destiny" T-Shirt, Gets History Lesson from Outraged Consumers (h/t Insty)
Lacking Teachers and Textbooks, India’s Schools Turn to Khan Academy to Survive
Apparently I’m Funded By The Energy Industry
Who Is Responsible for the Mess in Libya? The unraveling of a value-free foreign policy and its unintended consequences
Yes, Romney and Obama, Government Regulation Encourages Outsourcing:

The Obama-Crowley Set-Up
Someone has a Cayman Islands bank account for his Chinese investments. Nope. Other guy.
Charles Schwab to Newsmax: Obama's Economics Crushing Seniors
Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment
Obama car czar: You have to go back to the 30′s to find economic performance this bad
Study shows 33 percent spending increase in federal poverty programs
Total Welfare Spending Now at $1 Trillion
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney is Right, Obama Hasn’t Fixed the Economy
On gas prices, Obama dodges, weaves and changes subject
New Obama Ad Edits Debate Footage, Falsely Claims Romney Would Ban All Abortions
On women, taxes, Hispanics, Romney primary message shifts as Election Day nears
Obama, Oy Vey! American Jews Finally Have Had Enough
Politico: President Obama cedes the future to Mitt Romney
Podhoretz: Winning ‘national’ - Romney strategy paying off
Salafists destroy ancient Morocco carvings
Major Publishers Protest Saudi Textbook Content
Terrorists freed in Shalit deal resume terror activity, data shows
Romney’s Military Advisory Council has more than 300 retired general officers
Rubin Reports: The Murders in Libya, The Presidential Debate, and The Pattern of Obama Foreign Policy