Hillary Makes The Smartest Political Move of this Cycle (h/t Doug Ross)
This, apparently, is an actual call into a Fargo, North Dakota radio station
Good grief
Europe seems hopeless
Update of Cooks Illustrated (h/t Synthstuff)
Ugliest university campuses
Eric Hobsbawm and the Neglect of Communist Crimes
The Higher-Education Version of the Government-Screws-Up-Everything Chronicles
New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election
Chief Justice Roberts kept asking about how much ancestry somebody needs to be A Diverse One: 1/4th, 1/8th, 1/32nd?
Taxes, charity cost Romney 57.9 percent of income
The Longest Yarn… JOE BIDEN CAUGHT IN LIE – Said He Played College Football – He Didn’t
Dick Morris: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Even New Jersey Is in Play
Panic: Media Rush to Shore Up Obama's 'Firewall'
Frank Rich: The Tea Party Will Win in the End - This is a nation that loathes government and always has. Liberals should not be deluded: The Goldwater revolution will ultimately triumph, regardless of what happens in November.
The Politics of Impatience - For Michael Grunwald, the president’s vision matters more than his results.
Rudy Giuliani Asks Soledad O’Brien ‘Am I Debating With the President's Campaign?’
The New Blacklist - Some proponents of gay marriage would rather intimidate their critics than debate them.