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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, October 6. 2012The Dinner TableHere's one heck of an ad. Real, heartbreaking, and far better than LBJ's daisy girl ad. Mom is beautiful, worried. She wants to say something, decides not to. He's depressed, she feels sorry for him and wants to reassure him. He doesn't want pity, wants to be a proud male, can't handle her compassion and concern. And the kids... If I were on Mitt's team, I'd ask to have this 30-second drama run nationwide. This is happening out there, all over. Best political ad I've ever seen.
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The liberal media would brand it racist and insensitive for not including any hispanics or blacks.
Liberals would hate this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb-uvVS123s One of the reasons it works is because it has no sound. Isn't everyone muting political ads by now?
Another exact ad with black actors, and one with Hispanics. Use their unemployment rate: twice of the average.
4 years ago I was unemployed and collecting unemployment insurance benefits.
Now I'm just unemployed. Is this going to run on television? If it doesn't, the only people who will see it are the already converted. Most of the good ads this cycle never see air, they're basically just online fundraising videos for the PACs.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that this is right: There is no meat on those plates. Potatoes, salad, something that looks like cottage cheese, but no meat. This is as telling as it gets.
it's so raaaacist blame an African-American for their troubles Oh and did I mention he happens to be the President !
There is a sound other than the clatter of flatware...a hard rain.
Per capita income in my West Virginia town of 1800 people is $15,800 per year and median family income in my county is $24,800 per year. Obama's energy policies have destroyed our state and local economy in this coal state. This film clip is how we live, except we pray as a family at the table. God Bless America and throw all incumbents out. A govern big enough to provide everything you need can also take everything you have. Enough!
We over here in Texas think hard about what is being done to West Virginia. We're pulling for ya, for what that's worth.
The obama folks when forced to talk about WV always ask, "Do you want babies to have asthma?" If you pursue, and ask further about the asthma problem, no one has any idea about the facts of the matter. They might as well answer "Do you want babies thrown into crocodile pits?" for all the hell they know about the pretext for killing an industry and severely harming the producers, labor and capital both, as well as harming tho not as severely --yet --everyone who uses electricity; that is, everyone who uses food. God Bless you Buddy. If those tree hugging windmill liberals think coal is evil, then you can be sure that fuel from petroleum, leather and meat from cattle and lumber for homes from forests are next. They seek not to be stewards of our environment, but controllers of mankind. God intended for men to be reverennt, free and self-reliant, and to use Gods gifts to serve Him and help each other, not to be dependent upon a government which rejects Gods teachings and so would substitute its power for that of the Almighty.
God, guts and guns made America free, if the tree of freedom must be nourished with the blood of patriots I took an oath to uphold our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If The People do not wake up at the ballot box, God help us all. Mighty well said. Yes, we hear you. We are working along the same bitter pathway toward the same rough conclusion. This can't go on. Like the guy fighting with a bobcat up in a tree hollering for his hunting partner below to ''shoot! shoot!'', and the friend hollers back he can't see which of 'em is which, and the first guy hollers back, ''Hell just shoot up here AMONGST us, ONE of us has just GOT to have some relief!"
BTW, NJ, your thumbnail description of the ad is pitch-perfect --good words and not a one too few or too many, nor wasted.
I'm watching right now a Fox special by Brett Baier titled ''Obama's Green Agenda" or something near that.
Catch it if you can --it'll be replayed, i'd imagine, throughout the coming week. It's devastating and well-nigh unbelievable. It's as if your neighbors are being murdered so quietly you can't quite be sure if you hear anything or not. I was in Florida this past weekend with Americans for Prosperity, knocking on doors and talking to some of these unemployed people. It was heartbreaking. And so maddening to know it was so unnecessary, these past four years of abuse of the American people. Another four years of Obama, and you won't recognize this country.
Please do whatever you can to make sure you don't regret the results of this coming election. Now's the time for personal action. What a sexist and racist ad. That is what I expect liberals to say.
Yes, it is devestating. If you are the primary bredwinner at home (my wife is a stay at home mom) you know the fear that you will end up in the same situation. When things are good, you do not care as much, you figure you will find another job. But in this environment, I look at my kids and frankly I am not just worried about me providing for them, but that they will have a job when they are of age. And they are 7 and 8 years old. The damage being done to human beings and fellow citizens, in the servicce of airy abstractions fiendishly designed with always just a kernel of substance in order that slogans and soundbites can be arrayed to shoot us down like carnival ducks
is astonishing, and a left-handed tribute to the strength of the law-abiding people's system we once had. Sweetheart lawsuits have been driving our lives, but how many of us even know what the term refers to? I don't want to tease, but will, because Brett Baier just spent six months working on telling you. http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/special-report-bret-baier/blog ...and Free Republic has some more: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2941681/posts?page=97 === You've got to see this special. It'll be re-aired some number of times during the week --you have to check your local listings. sweetheart suits: there've been hundreds of 'em. Obama admin formally put into law --thru bthe agencies, not thru congress, so they're not 'law' law but 'administrative' law. meaning, if you run afoul, your hearing is before an adminitrative judge, often working down the hall a few doors from the agency which is attacking you, both offices sharing the same coffee room and restrooms. The classic sweetheart suit: 'private citizen' groups gets grant from EPA to study some issue. Grantee studies, ties the local issue to some airy edict of EPA's, then sues EPA to enforce the rule. Often, these suits are filed and settled on the SAME DAY. Next, the field agents go out and start writing orders to the property owners affected. Most of the hugely commerce-crashing effects have nothing to do with improving the environmemnt, but have everything to do with encroaching on and nullifying private property rights. PLEASE watch the special --and record it, and pass it around. |
Tracked: Oct 07, 17:40
Tracked: Oct 07, 22:56