Gladiators - new book reviewed by Gillette
Media bias quantified by UCLA researchers. And it's worse than I thought.
Friedman's new book - if you haven't read it yet. The World is Flat.
How near is legal polygamy? If done right, it could be a good deal for guys. I can see 4 or 5 beautiful young women, all working at lucrative executive jobs and "fulfilling themselves" in the modern way, while I hunt and fish all day, and blog, read, stop by the gym and maybe Starbucks afterwards to read the papers, have my nails done, take naps, have a few beers, do some online trading, and conserve my strength for the arduous evenings of husbandly duty. I might let them rotate cooking me dinner. This could be good. I'm ready, plus it's Biblically OK. Old Testament, anyway: only losers have just one. Monogamy is monotony. Pre-nups for all though, gals, and tuitions for any kiddies are not my problem. We will all be very modern and progressive. Kurtz in Wkly Std.