Your dad, your hero - Happy Father’s Day to the old man:
Whether you knew it or not, he was always worrying about you, always caring. He made decisions you never knew about that made your life better. He shielded you from knowledge of the evils of the world as long as he could. He helped give your childhood a hint of magic.
Should Women Marry Young or Old?
The Google-Trolley Problem
How Much Licensing is Too Much Licensing?
It's the 41st Anniversary of Our Shameful, Deadly and Costly War on Drugs. Can We Call a Cease-Fire
Ilya: Do Government Subsidies for Health Care Justify Paternalistic Soda Pop Regulations?
Hey, let's decriminalize drugs, and criminalize soda pop
Gee, I Wonder Why Teen Unemployment Is So High?
Mead: There Are No Winners In The War Against The Young
Not Your Daddy’s Republican Party. Neither is it your big brother's.
... instead of going to Ohio on Thursday with a compelling plan for the future, the president gave Americans a falsehood wrapped in a fallacy.
Eurabia update
Hinckley for US Senate
How to defund the Left
Steven J. Rosen: Israeli Settlements,American Pressure, and Peace
Nixon Emerges a Victor in ‘War on History’ Waged in the Wake of Watergate
Lamar Smith: Obama's amnesty for illegal immigrants is against the law
That doesn't matter. It's a powerful political gesture, at least.
TNR: Obama’s Immigration Move is Huge News. Here’s Why.
Breaking Its own Rules: Amnesty’s Researcher Bias and Gov’t Funding
Oh, My: Survey Says -- 75% of Doctors to Drop Medicare
The story of the Beautiful Cities movement:
Perhaps the most difficult question in urban planning is how our cities became so ugly. This question is seldom asked by urban planners because it is their discipline that claims to be the beautifying motor for American cities. Indeed, the planning profession often controls the now ubiquitous architectural approval committees that exist in nearly every city and town. Zoning has been expanded under the planning culture to include judgment on the artfulness and beauty of structures.
It is precisely the nexus of planning and government that creates the problem. Planning cannot exist outside of the governmental context. Government supplies the power and the legitimacy of planning. But why government plans is the real question. Does government serve the cause of economic advancement for a city and see to it that beauty counts in its commercial success? Or is planning really a vehicle used to build a social utopia in which it designs an environment that aims to advance a vision of how people are supposed to live, without regard to the city’s economic life?