The new Jib Jab.
Krauthammer on Iranian fundamentalism and their preparation for Armageddon and the arrival of the 12th Imam.
Warming trend continues. Does it mean anything? WaPo
The Tobacco Nazis just won't quit. Now it's smoking at home. WFT? How can we get these busy-body jerks to Quit It and to Leave Others Alone? A 12-Step program?
A mutation caused white skin. It's sort of a shame for us whitie-mutants, because it's not really a very attractive or healthy-looking skin color. It's a pasty, putty-colored blotchy skin which reveals every defect and requires tanning salons to look half-decent after age 25 and which, in the mature age group, just slumps, lumps, sags, wrinkles, goes to hell and one's face ends up looking like a bowl of dried-out pudding with a strawberry-looking nose in the middle. Being a mutant is a raw deal, even with my 1/16th redskin blood.
School choice in Britain encounters the same Socialist hysteria as it does in the US. Samiz.
Pottinger on why he left the WSJ to join the Marines.
Nantucket Windmill update, from Morrisey. Fact is, though, windmills are catastrophically destructive to birds, and economically non-viable without subsidies. Let's face it: wind power is just a hippy-dippy feel-good thing. Nuclear is what we need: it's a free lunch, or as close as we can get to that.
Tammy points out the biggest loser in yesterday's election: Move On - "The Soros Sponsored Voice of the Moonbat Left."