Ed Morrisey ably sums up the intimidation campaign by a convicted murderer, Brett Kimberlin, against several bloggers. As Michelle Malkin writes: “This is a convoluted, ongoing nightmare that combines abuse of the court system, workplace intimidation, serial invasions of privacy, perjury, and harassment of family members.” Read it all.
A highly notable issue, aside from that the legacy media has failed to take up the matter, is that the funding for this campaign comes from some of the most-darling of liberal-left foundations (see this list, and some more background on Kimberlin's trail of BS), using the Tides Foundation as their beard. The Tides Foundation acts as a secret conduit to leftist causes for donors, that include George Soros and Teresa Hines-Kerry as well as numerous other liberal foundations but also benefits from grants from the US government. See here.
Morrisey and Malkin and many other bloggers call for a free speech blogburst, of which this post is part. There is more at stake than the first amendment right to factually expose a campaign of intimidation against bloggers who have exposed Brett Kimberlin and his backers. There is the need to further expose the network of leftist donors and by example require greater transparency and accountability to their whole range of activities.
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Well, what else do you call a convicted bomber who has filed false criminal complaints against those who speak the truth about them, contacted their employers, and driven them from their homes? Sounds like he is trying to instill terror to me, via both warfare and lawfare. Yeah, Kimberlin was the Speedway Bomber back in the 1970s in Indiana. I remember the case from my high school days. Here's a great summary of his criminal history and his abuse of the legal system to punish those he believes to be his enemies. As you can see, Brett Kimberlin is quite...
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