If you're looking for something to do on a lazy Sunday, here's a fresh recap of my sites:
Rainy Day — articles & humor
Art Gallery — pics & vids
Doc's WordPress Guide — how to fire up a blog site the easy way
Speakup 2012 — want to have a say in this year's election? Here ya go
WordPress Themes — some of the wilder/cooler/awesomer WordPress themes
Windows — tip, tricks, tweaks, proggies, procedures, processes; you-name-it
System Backup — the pro way of backing up your system
Video Lab — a fun way to get into video
Home Repair — home repair tips with a twist
Ratville — a tribute to my pet rats of yore
The Google Earth Project — video tours of some amazing planetary spots
Doc's Secrets —from Subway Sandwiches to an unknown bed of iridium
Well, that should keep you busy for an hour or two.