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Tuesday, May 1. 2012Tuesday morning links
One World Trade Center and the four other tallest buildings in America Titles and Other Ornamental Self-Descriptions Great News: American Lung Association Helping the EPA Crucify Energy Companies With Your Money Prestigious Law Firm Goes Bust; Lawyers Boxed Out by Changing Industry What if We Regulated Legal Services Like Health Care? "Vorwarts". I thought that was Yiddish The New Class Warfare - California’s superwealthy progressives seem intent on destroying middle-class jobs. Knish: The Empire of Poverty California also has the distinction of having 12% of the US population and 33% of the nation’s welfare recipients. Majority Believes GM Should Have Gone Through Regular Bankruptcy Procedures Top EPA Official Resigns over 'Crucify' Comment Supreme irony: wind farms can cause atmospheric warming, finds a new study Jacoby: The government’s college money pit Politics First on Student Loans The Biggest Secret Service Failure of All Time - Obama's crew has nothing on the team that got drunk before JFK's assassination. FDA may let patients buy drugs without prescriptions - Move would increase patients’ out-of-pocket costs Samuelson: Here’s what Washington really does Obama Has Already Held More Fundraisers Than the Last Five Presidents Combined I am 1/16th Iroquois. Am I an Indian? Do we apply the "one-drop rule"? If so, I want to own a casino. SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign MSM colluding to conceal coming Obamacare Medicare changes:
What is Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng's Cause? (he's opposed to forced abortion) Comments
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--this column is becoming a good choice for a look-see at what happened on the world stage in the last 24 hours --but but but --advise never try for it, as that would induce mapping over heuristics. What does that sentence mean? I haven't the foggiest idea.
We try to do too much with our daily link dumps.
Not on purpose - it just happened. Lots of subverting the Ministry of Truth and Ingsoc selection bias going on from both ends --
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzORu1dqEE0 :-) Boston Globe(?) is reporting that Warren is 1/32 Cherokee, a great x 3 grandmother was recorded as Cherokee.
One wonders what Mass voters will think of the controversy? Or will it even matter? I was surprised the EPA official resigned over 'crucify" remarks. He will be replaced with an ideological clone. FDA allowing some prescription drugs to be sold OTC strikes me as a good thing. ...and don't forget,
http://bostonherald.com/news/politics/view/20220424brown_camp_scolds_warren_over_interest-free_loan/ “Let me get this straight: struggling students and families pay more, so multi-millionaire Warren can pay nothing?" --asked the Brown campaign. ''One drop rule'' --feh, what lawyers in congress over the years have done by way of deriving business via sorting and qualifying legal-standings, is the same thing that MD's would have been doing had they set up smallpox clinics near the Flatheads and then sent them those smallpox blankets. Except the latter would've been 'murder' while the former is 'justice'.
Great set of links today. I spent way too much time looking at them.
Thanks also for the shout out. It blew up my site meter this morning. It's no secret to people who eschew the MSM and go on-line to get their news that large cuts to Medicare, specifically to Medicare Advantage, were coming in order to fund the Dems' takeover of everyone's healthcare through Obamacare. After that law was passed, I asked various people who run the Medicare Advantage program at my HMO, Kaiser Permanente (which strongly supported the passage of Obamacare, btw), what they would do once Medicare Advantage was abolished and their funding was eliminated. Not one of them was aware what was in store. They were totally ignorant. Keeping people in the dark was the Dems' plan all along, it's what they do: make promises no one can keep, kick the can down the road, and HOPE(tm) things will work out. That's a heck of a way to run a railroad.
From the link to Ira Stoll's post:
William Manchester, in his 1967 book about the Kennedy assassination, The Death of the President, reports that nine agents of the White House Secret Service detail were out after midnight on November 22, starting with “beer and mixed drinks.” One agent was out until 5 a.m. Manchester wrote, “Fellow drinkers during those early morning hours included four agents who were to ride in the president’s follow-up care in Dallas, and whose alertness was vital to his safety.” Drinking is not the same as "being drunk". Government employees on the clock---and Secret Service agents who are on detail are on the clock 24/7---should not be drinking at all, period!, but that's not to say the agents on the Kennedy protective detail were "drunk." Maybe they were, but there's nothing in Stoll's article in the way of proof. Nor is there anything to show that, had they not been carousing the night before Oswald shot JFK, history would have turned out any differently. The failure to foresee Oswald's plan and to prevent it from happening would have to be "blamed" on the SS advance team, not the protective detail, but Stoll offers no evidence that the advance team was in any way derelict in their duty to protect the president. Agent Cooper #5, 'keeping people in the dark' --that's probably the defining party characteristic, and why the word 'furtive' comes to mind every time one of them announces something with his/her face showing, as on TV. They can't or won't tell you what they are actually doing, ever. The method is in the story of the five blind men describing the elephant.
#6, o/t, but Manchester's WW2/Pacific memoir Goodbye, Darkness is such a fine book, words fail trying to say how good it really is. B.L., I think you've come up with the perfect campaign slogan for The One, "Furtive!" Much improved over "Forward!" which only emphasizes to everyone how often The 1 says he likes to lead from his behind. When President Pinocchio gets back from his courageous mission to Afghanistan, where he is (sort of) putting his own life on the line instead of those of others like Seal Team 6, you should submit it as a suggestion to the WH.
--funny you should say that --i was thinking of trying to photoshop the graphic ''Forward!'' into ''For what?'' --but ''Furtive!'' IS better --for one thing, it solves the spacer problem between 'for' and 'what' (tho ya gotta admit, 'for what?' is a rather crucial question).
re: Obama jumps the shark over the assassination of bin Laden
It take real gall for Bill Clinton, of all people, to raise the completely made-up issue, the strawman, of whether Romney would have given the go ahead for the mission to capture/kill bin Laden. As summarized nicely at Noel Sheppard's Newsbusters: "Scheuer later described to me in a lengthy interview numerous missed opportunities by the Clinton administration relating to bin Laden all of which quite verified by the 9/11 Commission report. 'As I wrote at the time, "[T]here were three good, documented chances to take out bin Laden in about a nine-month period between May 1998 and February 1999. In all three, information and intelligence were not the problems. Some person or persons not being able to decide to act was.' ... "HARRY SMITH, CBS: Let's talk about what President Clinton had to say on Fox yesterday. He basically laid blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that Osama bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true to you? "MICHAEL SCHEUER: No, sir, I don't think so. The president seems to be able, the former president seems to be able to deny facts with impugnity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. " Recall that Clinton turned the final review and approval for all drone attacks over to a bunch of lawyers. Without their prior authorization, the military was not allowed to go after targets on the ground. All this talk comes in a disgraceful effort to make an inept president Obama look like a hero. Talk about a case of Stolen Valor! --the Joel Kotkin piece about California's elites trying to in-effect remove the bien-pensant and bean-pissant crowds from the great gorgeous wilderness, sounds crazy but really, who knows what comes out of these
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_grove ...strange gatherings? --re Elizabeth Warren, i think she put in a bit performance in that 'Prehistoric Man' youtube --see her from 2:35 to 2:40 @
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urXu1Z1g61M |
Tracked: May 01, 11:17
Tracked: May 01, 11:54