Fear of Success
We at Maggie's have been saying for many months that the Left is terrified by the prospect of an American success in Iraq, and is determined to paint a hopeless picture and to get us out of there before success is obvious to everyone. As we have pointed out many times, it already has been a success - not a perfect success, but few are. It's nice to see that Podhoretz agrees. One quote from his lengthy summary of the politics and distortions about Iraq in the WSJ Opinion Journal:
Like the mainstream media and the theorists in the academy and the think tanks, the Democratic Party--fearing that it might be frozen out of power for a very long time to come--is also in a panic over the signs that George W. Bush's new approach to the greater Middle East is on the verge of passing the test of Iraq. Hence the veritable hysteria with which the Democrats have recently tried to delegitimize the war: first by claiming (three years after the fact!) that it had begun with a lie, and then by declaring that it was ending in a defeat. Leaning heavily on the turn in public opinion largely brought about by reports in the mainstream media and the lucubrations of the theorists, the Democrats--with the notably honorable exception of Sen. Joseph Lieberman--now joined in by clamoring openly for a withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.
Read the entire piece. It's a good reality check.