Remember Pearl Harbor - and remember this photo (as if you could forget it):
The Enemy Press in the US: Horowitz
Conspiracy theorists, from neoneocon: "What's the origin of the need to see a conspiracy behind every unpleasant event? One reason is the desire for order and control--even though, paradoxically, conspiracy theories posit a shadowy world out of the control of most of us. But, like children who want everything to have a reason and an explanation, conspiracy theorists can rest assured that at least someone (if only the conspirators) is in control and that there are few accidents, few random terrible and unpredictable events that we cannot control."
For Christmas - The Bob Dylan Store
Book for Christmas: The Martini and other tasty related subjects.
Steyn rips into the eco-cultists. Telegraph
The Birds of Baghdad: Michael Yon. Who knew he was a bird-watcher too?