So soon? Advent begins tomorrow.
“They don’t call them patients, they call them units”
That's interesting, because I recently read a piece about tax policy which referred to taxpayers as "tax units." I guess that's how bureaucrats think. Are you an income unit, an expense unit, or neither?
Newt’s Right: Put the Kids To Work
Prepare for the retirement tax bite
Chinese Solar Industry Goes Belly Up
More emails: Climategate 2.0 emails – They’re real and they’re spectacular!
They constantly refer to it as "the cause." That's a concern. There is no objectivity.
In the UK, criminals and cyber bullies to be banned from the web
Obvious question: Who is next?
A Democrat Bites Union Story - In Rhode Island, liberals take the lead on pension reform.
The NLRB Putsch - The labor agency tries to ram through quickie union elections.
Cut a cabinet department? You must be joking - Growth of government, loss of liberty go hand in hand
Reagan: "The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program." ...
The OECD’s report provides shocking new data on Britain’s socialised health system but even the Conservative-led government wouldn’t have it any other way
The Perfect Terrorist PBS Documentary
COIN is Dead: U.S. Army Must Put Strategy Over Tactics
Heather on campus diversity boondoggles
How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub
Egypt Spring: Kill the Jews and the Americans
Tracked: Nov 26, 09:31