Our poll yesterday about workplace romance generated interesting comments. Thanks, readers.
Not from The Onion: NYC Mayor Bloomberg: 'Government’s Highest Duty' Is to Push 'Healthy' Foods
What a putz
The only exercise that’s ever shut me up
This comes recommended: Fr. Barron's Catholicism DVD Box Set
Your morning physics: Faster Than Light Neutrinos Do Not Time Travel To Spoil Your Date
Keep up with the Meteor for your morning giggle
College admissions testing in Britain and France
Turns out, the South is a pretty nice place to live
That is news?
College Students Skipping Law School Amid Stagnant Economy
McCaughey: Surge in Costs Start Of Obamacare Disaster
Red Jahncke: Ignoring cost of ObamaCare’s benefits
At Am Thinker's Justice Kennedy and the Fate of ObamaCare:
Because of its near-limitless reach, if fully implemented, ObamaCare will quickly become a political force surpassing even Social Security and Medicare. Once that happens, the only way to win elections will be to promise not to touch government health care. Every politician will have to accept and even endorse issues that are now championed only by the far left.
Europe must now grasp its chance to turn off the doomsday device
"The Entitlement Mentality" by John Agresto:
In so many places citizens are hardly citizens but subjects -- wards of the government, dependent on the state for their housing, their health care, their monthly salaries, their education, even their weekly food baskets. When troubles come, their first thought is not “How can I help myself and my community” but “Hurry up, government, and help me.” In this regard the contrast, say, between the decidedly independent citizens of the American Heartland on one hand and supinely dependent New Orleans could not be greater.
Best Elizabeth Warren parody yet
How to Make Obama Like Us
What's that quote about "If politicians don't like the voters, they should elect a new citizenry"? Of course, that's what illegal immigration amounts to.
Agreed. Joe Biden Blames Obama for Terrible Economy
NY Transit Workers Union & Teamsters Agree to Support Commie Wall Street Protesters
Garofalo: Cain’s rise in support proves Republican racism, or something
Heather: Half Baked - UC Berkeley’s diversity machine loses its mind over cupcakes.
Students in the ever-expanding roster of official campus victim groups flatter themselves that by attending what is in fact the most caring, protective, and opportunity-rich institution in the history of the world, they are braving unspeakable threats to their ego and even to their physical safety. (Indeed, so desirable is this alleged threatened status that a gender and women’s studies major held a sign during Tuesday’s protest of the bake sale decrying the exclusion of “queer people” from the Republicans’ pricing structure.)
Morning Bell: Time for Action on Pakistan
Taiwan, canary in the coal mine
Krauthammer: The Palis do not want peace
Yes, that would work out to more than $1.6 million per job (or 100,000 muffins).
Why not simply scatter cash - $50s and $100s - from airplanes? That would be the way to get re-elected.
Tracked: Sep 30, 07:03