Today's toon via Theo
America does run on Dunkin', as does Maggie's HQ. Mediocre coffee but good caffeine - and always a great ambience.
"Let's Take a Traditional City Break 4: Many Variations, One Theme." New World Economics likes The Old Urbanist (as do we) - and posted some dynamite urban street scenes
Families Wise Up About Paying for College
The Escalating Penalty for Asserting Your Right to a Trial
Even if you're innocent, it can make more sense to cop a plea
Via Insty, the price of sex has dropped to record lows
Are American girls hornier than they were when I was young? If so, is it an effect of global warming?
Public Schools Eat Too Much At Gov't Trough
The growing laundry list of Totalitarian Humanism
‘Every Single One’ Fallout: Justice Dept. in Turmoil From PJMedia Series
The Bake Sale:
For the record, the current student body at UC Berkeley is 31.7% white. It is 47% male. According to the 2010 US Census, whites are 72.4% of the population. Women make up 50.7% of the population.
Why can’t we have colleges that look like America?
Europe's Failure Demands Europe Choose A Different Path, And That We Stop Following Their Example In America
Billionaires, Jews and Janitors
New Low: 17% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed
If you can remember only one fact, make it this one: The middle class (middle quintile) pays 14.1 percent of its income in federal taxes, while the rich (top tenth of one percent of the population) pay 30.4 percent.
Tax Demagogues Are Lying Liars, in One Graph
Obama The Divider
EPA: Regulations would require 230,000 new employees, $21 billion
Eurozone crisis: there are no miracles in Greek tragedies - Lending ever greater sums to a mismanaged and corrupt economy won’t make it solvent , says Jeff Randall.
Carville: Tea Party a 'Dangerous Political Force That Threatens the Very Future of Our Country'
Which is worse, global warming or Tea Parties?
Americans Express Historic Negativity Toward U.S. Government
Rightly so
R2P is the New COIN: Slaughter on Authority and International Law Part II.
NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March:
"Nearly 16,000 migrated to California, while 10,000 moved to New Jersey, 8000 to New York, and 8000 to other American states," according to Gabriel. "Around 14,000 left to Australia, 17,000 to Canada, and 20,000 settled in the Netherlands, Italy, England, Austria, Germany and France."
Arab Spring Countries Pay the Price for the World’s Palestinian Obsession
Obama strategy could spawn future Vietnams
Boot: Breaking Faith with our Heroes and Allies
"The average American does not appear to give government at all levels much credit for being careful in spending tax dollars," Gallup concluded.
Definitive proof of global warming:

Tracked: Sep 27, 07:06