Voices of the defenders of grad school. And me crushing them.
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway?
She is right. We do not need it. Not their job.
USPS — a case study in government incompetence:
So reach deep fellow taxpayer. Time to bail out yet another failing agency which apparently never saw this revolution in communication coming, was never able to compete in the market without monopoly powers granted by government and has overspent and overpromised even as it watched it’s market share continually shrink.
Maybe it is time to, horror of horrors, consider privatizing this service? Actually, that’s something that should have been done years ago. But watch … we’ll still have this government run anachronism around our fiscal necks when your grandchildren are adults.
More U.S. Workers Unhappy With Health Benefits, Promotions - Workers least satisfied with on-the-job stress, tangible rewards for their work
Driscoll: This Just In: Fictitious Movies Still Fiction
Fineman, Ignatius: Healthcare Obama's Biggest Mistake
Economy giving few opportunities to self-employed
The Financial Times reports that market pressures in Brazil, the 2nd largest producer of biofuels after the U.S., are pushing the price of ethanol above that of gasoline
Paper and Plastic: When Political Ideology Trumps Sound Science
Report: 'Clinton Adviser Greenberg is Behind Israeli Protests'
Mission Accomplished - Dick Cheney was relentless and unapologetic in pursuit of his policy goals—and Americans are safer for it.
View from the Left: What Democrats can do about Obama - A liberal argues that the 2012 Democratic nomination should be debated -- with all options open
SANDERS: India’s perfect storm of problems
Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness
Jenifer Rubin: Enough with the green jobs
The United States, Not Gaidar, Killed Yeltsin's Reforms
Forbes: Why Do Companies Hire?
Rebel without a bra: Jane Fonda said her biggest regret was not sleeping with Che Guevara
Muslim protesters “will make as much noise as possible” during 9/11 moment of silence
China's fourth fleet
Kenneth Clarke blames Brit riots on 'feral underclass'
Tracked: Sep 06, 07:09