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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, August 25. 2011Thursday morning links The above is a good warning to be careful not to slip on curbs... Climate Prostitutes, Charlatans and Comedians Is Occupational Licensing Necessary? View from the left: What's next for Wisconsin progressives? related from Will: Liberals’ Wisconsin Waterloo Would Dr. King Have Approved Of This? Carpe: China Is Not the Enemy West anxious over Libya's chemical weapons cashes Don't Call It a Comeback - Four reasons why Libya doesn't equal success for NATO. Rev. Al Sharpton Officially Tapped as MSNBC Host Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations For Marines in Afghanistan: be careful where you fart At Insty, HOUSING FIX: End the Government’s Subsidy ‘Ponzi Scheme,’ Says NYU Professor. Texas students sent from classroom to courtroom Woo-Hoo… $490,000 in Obama Stimulus Cash Created 1.72 Jobs in Nevada Mead: Iranian Persecution of Christians Grows Paterson teacher who called students 'future criminals' in Facebook post defends herself in hearing Elliott Abrams: The Ground Shifts In The Middle East Illinois Loses Most Jobs in the Nation Comments
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"For Marines in Afghanistan: be careful where you fart"
From Monty Python's 'Holy Grail': "I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." Those Python boys were really ahead of the curve. Maybe some of our Marine or Army readers can verify this, but I've read before (and in one of the comments to the article) that MRE's are serious fart-inducers, presumably because of all the preservatives. If so, that would put this directive right up there with "No telling dirty jokes." Good luck, top brass. Next up: A directive stating no farting in the direction of the gays invading the military because it will remind them of all the sex they can't have. Because if there's one thing we don't want in a group of men trained to kill people, it's cruelty. Re: the MLK statue, the link above is kind of meaningless without some background story, like here. Personally, I don't have any problem with it being sculpted by some Chinese guy who also did some Mao statues. That would be akin to a museum turning down a Rembrandt because he also painted the portrait of some despotic king. As for the stance and expression, anyone who remembers King as calm and gentle and kindly never saw him deliver one of his firebrand speeches. I think the pose and expression are just fine. The controversy, as I see it, is placing him in the National Mall, a spot historically reserved for ex-presidents. It was, typically, a Democrat (Clinton) who decided to cast history by the wayside by starting this project. I did, however, find this quote (from a different article) to be somewhat amusing: "Not even in his wildest dreams could Martin Luther King Jr have imagined that he would one day find himself honoured alongside two of America's best-known and best-loved presidents." Apparently, this moron has never heard of February 12th and February 22nd. MLK is already alongside two of our most-loved presidents. Thank you for the link to the "back story" because my reaction to the picture of the monument when I first saw it was, "Gee, that statue doesn't look anything like MLK as I remember him. He looks just like Mao Zedong." Cross my heart, hope to die, that was my initial reaction! As for the King family, they are acting like a bunch of crass money grubbers and have fully earned the fallout from having selected such an ugly monument to honor their famous relative.
Whatever happened to that piece of military wisdom,"Never give a order you know won't be obeyed"?
Time to deploy the SBD. Sorry, but the MLK likeness is not a likeness - looks too Maoist for me.
One can have moral authority without being an authoritarian. It looks exactly like what it is -- a black man as chiseled by a Chinese man. I agree it's not a very good likeness, but the family picked it out (from four choices), so I guess they figured it was good enough. Still, though, there must be a thousand talented black American sculptors who would have done a better job, so one kind of cringes at what the real story is, and how it ended up in Chinese hands. Somebody got paid something, no doubt, no doubt.
I thought the word for a "store" of something (like poison gas) was "cache" not "cash."
Don't newspapers have editors anymore? It should be pretty easy to determine what percentage of previous classes became criminals. Arguably the teacher is correct based on what we see everyday. Perhaps the teacher is on to something and should replace those in charge of the schools.
RE: Sharpton. They need to double down and team Jesse Jackson with him.
#3 Whitehall: I saw a closeup on the face elsewhere and wondered just who this was. #4 Gary: No, they rely on spellcheck programs "NYU finance professor Viral Acharya writes in his new book Guaranteed to Fail that the only way to fix the housing market is to end government subsidies like the mortgage interest tax deduction."
Actually, no. This "deduction" is not a subsidy, it is a business expense. The mortgage interest tax deduction is an individual's way of expensing the rent on monies borrowed. If individuals are not allowed to expense the cost of renting money, then neither can anyone else (14th amendment). That means banks, corporations, pension funds...anything or anyone who rents money for any purpose including the acquisition of capital property. And this guy actually teaches innocent children. Wow! The itemized deduction on interest paid on a "home" mortgage is not a deductible business expense UNLESS the mortgaged property is a rental property. If the mortgage is on a person's (non-rental) residence, the mortgage interest is a deductible personal expense, not a deductible business expense, because the property is not used to generate earned income. Accordingly, the interest on home mortgages can receive a different tax treatment than the interest on business loans. In this instance, the "innocence" is all yours.
"end government subsidies like the mortgage interest tax deduction"
He evidently believes the money you earn belongs to the government. Letting you keep more of the money you earn is a government subsidy. Elliott Abrams is obviously a card carrying Neo-Conservative as he clings to the Neo-Conservative fantasy that 'democracies' can magically spring up where there's never been a culture of consentual republican form of government. These 'xxx Springs' will most likely replace the former tyrant with a new tyrant from a different faction/tribe and so forth and so one.
So in Syria a Sunni associated tyrant will probably emerge and brutally surpress all the other minorities, particularly the Allowites. Agreed. We are blessed that we were a British colony. They have the best track record of self government.
To your point - and mine - the rebels generally have no desire for representative liberal government and the major religion (which is really a religious/political system) is politically opposed to that form of government. Rather than jumping on bandwagons that are trying to over throw the old tyrants, we should have tried to make a determination about who was leading those bandwagons. The possibility that the old tyrant was better (for us) than the possible new one is very real. The article "Assailant Suffers Injuries from Fall" contains fictitious information. Please see the following for true story: http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/stabbedmarine.asp
Not to hi-jack the thread, but in reminiscing this morning, I realized that Obama is distinguished in one way. He is the only President we have had since Eisenhower who left his post in Washington before a crisis, and refused to return and help organize the various aid and reparations and reassure his constituents. Here Washingtonians suffered quite a dangerous earthquake a day or two ago, with some significant damage already evident, and other damage waiting to be discovered. Now the citizens are about to endure a large and dangerous hurricane which will evidently impact the entire East Coast from the Carolinas to Maine or even further. Good organizing skills as far as speedily getting help to places that need it the most, would be useful. All of our recent Presidents have known that and have done that. The President has the power to organize and deliver help of all kinds to the suffering citizenry promptly and generously.
But will Obama do this? Obviously not. It would *interfere with his vacation*. I suspect that this failure of leadership is going to figure in the election campaign. I hope so. This isn't just "leading from the rear." It's leading from the next room. Marianne But DC once had a Democratic African-American mayor, Marion Barry, who refused to return to the city from his vacation in California when the capital was buried in a deep snow storm. As I recall, he considered it an inconvenience to have to interrupt his trip out West with his mistress to attend the Rose Bowl.
Before uploading, I should have added that the two incidents have a number of things in common, both the circumstances and the haughtiness of the principal parties involved. And, a minor revision of what you posted to reflect the truth, it is not "leading from THE rear" but, rather, "leading from HIS rear."
Agent Cooper ... Ahh, but your suggestion would be slightly vulgar, and I promised the maggiesfarmers that I would strive not to be vulgar, no matter how tempted I am. Old ladies, and I'm 83, must strive to elevate the tone, no matter how much fun it would be not to.
Marianne |
Tracked: Aug 25, 07:10
Tracked: Aug 25, 07:15