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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, July 31. 2011Sunday morning linksSpiked: Admit it: environmentalism was an ugly experiment Another royal wedding Noonan: They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling - Obama still has supporters, but theirs is a grim support. Economy on the Brink of Double Dip Recession. Just ask anybody in business - the economy is terrible. Pethokoukis. The poor are not poor because the rich are rich Mark Steyn: ‘Life on this planet' about to change Since Obama, Americans have become poor "Rep. Barney Frank of Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac fame told Neil Cavuto this morning that if Moody’s downgrades the US debt, “We just don’t pay much attention to them… Don’t sell.” He then went on to blame the ratings agencies for ignoring the mortgage crisis… that he helped create. Unreal." Rubio on the debt debate:
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This guy is awesome. I wish there were some way to make the whole country watch this. Plain and simple, pure and easy.
"Rubio" sounds like 'rue B.O.' --as, Obama-think is gonna rue the day Rubio came to politics.
Buddy -
Well, if it has to do with a gross bodily function, I'd expect you to be on top of it. And, from the rest of us, thanks for doing the job that Americans won't do. :) "YOU WILL RUE B.O. WITH A VOTE FOR RUBIO!" Rubio/Palin 2016? Well, if he's old enough, of course. We feature them as the "Prodigal Son and Mother America team", with the vibrant, shining Rubio leading America to a younger, brighter tomorrow, with the voice of experience and reason and 'that woman's touch' sitting beside him, always willing to lend a sympathetic ear and offer sound, constructive advice. Well, I'd like to chat more, but I've got to go update my Campaign Manager résumé. I like the theme. By yawl means, hop in the boat & fire up that Mercury engine! You can have this one for free (money snow good in politics):
''Don't be a Rube, yo! Vote Rubio!'' Thank you for your generous donation. I felt it had a certain 'resonance' to it; that 'tang of reality' so missing in today's catchy slogan. "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"? They just don't make 'em like that anymore, eh?
"Get out of de barrio - vote for Mar-ee, yo!" "Polo! Vote Now! Polo! Vote Now! Marco!" (going for the 'reverse subliminal' angle) "GIMME AN M! GIMME AN O! WHAT'S THAT SPELL? MARCO!" (going for the 'brevity is everything' angle) (or 'know your audience') BTW, did you see the mini-series, 'John Adams'? It was excellent. After seventeen movies, Paul Giomatti actually raised his voice! I'm still shaking. adams/hbo --dotter2 gave me the set for my blurtday. need to watch it --
okay, for the rally singalongs, to tune of ''row row row your boat'' Ru Ru Ru Bee Yo Gently to Dee Cee Merrily merrily merrily merrily See the Piggies Flee (alt 1st line: "Mar Co Ru Bio" --uses whole name, allows spell right, but loses rep rep repetition which is main feature of root song)
buddy larsen
2011-07-31 16:45
ok so rogers and hammerstein i ain't
buddy larsen
2011-08-01 01:23
What a contrast! A young articulate ,passionate conservative who thinks on his feet with a bloviating, faux-serious liberal tool like Kerry. Never mind the outrage Kerry expresses should be directed at the ruinous policies of his own party. Rubio is a serious player.
America, the melting pot can produce stars like Rubio and Allen West and at the same time lunatics like Grayson and Dopey Failed Wasserman Test Schultz. What a country! Great clip of Rubio. The knives are really going to come out for him - he's that good!
As for the clip of Barney Frank - as much as I love to hear lefties say stupid things, as much as I want to learn more and get different perspectives about the mortgage crisis, I just can't this time. I just can't listen to that man. He makes me ill. I don't begrudge his being gay or a lefty. I don't think he's stupid - in fact, I think he's a very quick wit, but the things that come out of his mouth and maybe the way he says them just turn my stomach. They are so dishonest and so demonstrably wrong. When Biden says them, it's funny because he's so stupid and maybe that's the thing I really can't stand is that no matter what one says to Frank, there is an endless number of ways he can twist them. He can lie and disseminate better than maybe anybody on the Hill. He really has no equal and the sooner we are done with him, the better. I like Rubio's enthusiasm, but he needs to work on his debating skills. When challenged by Kerry regarding the votes in the past by Obama, Biden, & Reid against raising the debt ceiling, Rubio stumbles around to find a proper answer but he never succeeds in doing so. Instead, like a lot of politicians who get put on the spot, he changes the topic.
What Rubio should have done is challenge Kerry's claim that those negative votes by O, B, & R were excusable "because they never had a chance of succeeding, they were bound to fail." According to Kerry, it was not a question of whether, as a matter of principle, those votes were right or wrong---good for the nation or bad for it---but rather that they were ineffectual and thus did not matter. Yet, Kerry claims it is "holding the nation hostage" if Conservatives choose to stand by their principles, refusing to give in to the other side, because they are convinced it is the right thing to do for the country. To hear such cynical remarks from Kerry doesn't surprise me. He is not a man of honor. http://archive.boulderweekly.com/080907/thedanishplan.html
...one of the most-responsible denies it happened. Barney Frank is the lowest form of low-life, I agree, but much of what he says about the ratings agencies is true....or at least not false. Frank says cities that are well-funded and have never defaulted in the past should not have their credit ratings downgraded without good reason. Who could disagree with that? I can't.
As for his criticism of the role the ratings agencies played in the collapse of the economy in 2008, what he said is that "few entities other than the ratings agencies were as culpable" in what happened. Note "the few". I agree. The ratings agencies really did fail honest investors. But what Barney omitted to say, of course, is that among THE FEW OTHERS who share the major blame for the catastrophe is none other than Barney himself. As for ignoring the warnings of the ratings agencies this time around, wouldn't that be an infinitely stupid decision for anyone who is in a fiduciary position of managing other people's money, not to mention for anyone who is worried about the future of his own hard-earned savings? What morons like Frank fail to acknowledge is that most individuals cannot afford to make even single a mistake in handling their life savings. If the risk is too great, there may be no opportunity to recover from a bad decision, which could have life-long effects. People do not exist in perpetuity like governments, which can eventually recover from the willful incompetence of a single administration like Barack Obama's or of a (former) Congressional committee chairman like Barney Frank. http://www.bing.com/search?q=goldman+conspiracy&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox
...some say he's no moron at all. I think you are helping me make my point. He mixes some truth with a lot of lies and dissemination that SOUNDS reasonable till one thinks about it in toto (assuming one can stomach him in the first place). Obviously, the bet he's making is that nobody will think much past what he says.
I've seen him on live TV make two stoopid mistakes --one, during the crash when 'mark-to-market'
http://www.bing.com/search?q=bill+issacs+mark+to+market&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox had become clear to all was the recent rule change that needed quick canceling, as it was destroying the banks' capital daily on an artificial number in a regulatory formula. A reporter --i think it was 'Campaign Carl' Cameron, caught Barney in a hallway and asked him why he would not address 'M2M', which had become a sudden theme in the desperately seeking financial press in the last day or two. Frank said he could not, his committee lacked the authority. A day or two later, same scene, but Cameron had done some research this time, and responded that Barney could, in fact, and then repeated the judicial opinion saying so. Frank forgot to act surprised, activated the wrong response program, and snorted imperiously that "It's too late to change it now!" Stunned, i reviewed the implications --long/short, he was deliberately running off bank capital ratios, and the only reason possible was to make them dependent on his beloved govt empire. By 'too late' he meant that anyone against his secret agenda had already lost the war. TYhis became clear a day or two later, when his committee did in fact join together the authority to suspend elements of the formula, thus marking the end of the worst of the hemorrhage, which later former FDIC chairman and self-appointed crusader to stop the rule before it bankrupted the industry, Bill Issacs, calculated to have needlessly and wrongly simply destroyed $500,000,000 --directly. Second was the day the Democrats had to walk through 30,000 tea partiers, and later claimed racial attacks --spitting and name-calling. Greta von Susteren caught Barney just inside the bldg, angry that someone had called him a name. Greta said that the crowd was 30K strong. Barney said that didn't prove a thing, because there are 300 million Americans so 30K nuts meant nothing. He then segued right into the guy that had called him a name, and said '...that guy stands for the whole so-called Tea Party, he's just the only one who had the nerve to yell at me!' So, 30K of 300 means nothing, but 1 of 30K means everything. Greta caught it, i think, by her expression, but didn't say so, what would have been the point, i'm sure she surmised. *** ...leading into the crash, Goldman Sachs sent a new lead lobbyist over to Franks' House Financial Services Committee. Michael Paese had left his senior position on Barney's staff only a couple months before -- long enough to hire on at Goldman and register as a lobbyist --before showing back up at Barney's elbow. Senator Rubio appears to have studied and lived economics, Proverbs, and American constitutional history. He has been inspired by Abe Lincoln.
Let's stand shoulder to shoulder with him and with each other in the effort to save our beloved country. |
Tracked: Jul 31, 12:59