Jeter Homers for 3,000th Hit, First Yank to Do it
Perfect families and divorce: Cultural Commitments & Marriage
New Internet Top-Level Domains Coming
It's about time
Sowell said it in 1975
McArdle: Hoover Was No Budget-Cutter
Disgusting. Memphis Reporter Mocks Mitt Romney’s Mormonism
Mitt would be better off as a Muslim
Priuses: Battle Formation! The Implacable Left Reads Obama the Riot Act
Media Matters and Dem Groups Form Organization to Track GOP Candidates with Army of Videographers
Dirty tricks, basically. My theory is that Conservatives are all too busy doing or creating real jobs to do this sort of thing.
The GOP's Demographic Problem
Media Bias 101: How liberal lies seep into our pop culture and become “fact” (UPDATED)
The New York Times: Lying For The DFL
At Overcoming Bias:
1. Why such a consistent focus on the same three charity-related areas over such a long time? In general the simplest way to help folks is to give them cash. One needs other relevant factors to explain a desire to help in other ways. And to explain a consistent focus over many centuries, such factors must stay relevant over many centuries.
2. Why did charity-like spending grow from a tiny to a huge fraction of GDP? Why are we today so much more eager for charity-like spending?
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Tracked: Jul 10, 10:05
Tracked: Jul 10, 14:01