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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 8. 2011Election 2012: A tough row to hoe
Obama in a landslide. Pending change in circumstance, I hastily add. As it stands now, I just can't see a Republican win. All of the declared candidates contain major flaws which the MSM will mercilessly exploit, both overtly and covertly, blatantly and subliminally, and I find none of the candidates inspirational in the slightest. And the poor selection is only one of our worries. The one, basic, inherent problem here is that conservatives are conservative. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. And, as such, by definition alone they're not very activistic, tending to sit around on their duffs while the liberals make all the moves. It's no mystery why so many institutions and the major media realms, including the tech world, are dominated by liberals. It's because they try. My job here is to get some of you to try. My initial leap into the upcoming election was to create SpeakUp! 2012, a how-to guide for putting together a snappy blog site and then spreading the word around. If you want to show a little gumption and have a say in the election, that's the way to do it. The free WordPress software (the stuff that Power Line just switched to) is terrific and very easy to use. The guide will walk you through the entire process from this moment on. Plus, you've got me trapped here to pester with questions if you run into a snag. Below the fold I'll run through the candidates in my usual calm, careful, deliberate manner as I soundly Which is to say, none.
And then there's this pesky little problem. From Hot Air's latest poll: We'd better get the ugly stuff out of the way first. You non-Palenites can skip this part.
Whew. It wasn't pretty, but it had to be done. For you Palinites out there still dabbing a tear from your eye at the harsh, cruel words, let me make amends with this. First off: Chris Christie — Like a lot of people, I took to this guy from the get-go, but unfortunately:
At the risk of putting words in his mouth, it doesn't sound like he's running. Christie/Palin 2016? As for the rest of these yokels: Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum, (fill in blank) — Fodder for the grist mill. Michele Bachmann — (barf) Sorry, had to use the toilet for a sec. Back now. Please refer to above notation about us not electing a female president before one's been battle-tested in the V.P. slot. We like performing little social experiments here in America — as well we should — but this is asking a bit much. On top of that, there's a stern countenance about her that I find disconcerting. Put simply, that's not a face I want to look at for four years. If liberal cartoonists put buck teeth on Palin to make her out to be a hick, they'll be making Bachmann out to be the Wicked Witch of the West. Mitt Romney — A Mormon?? Do you actually know anything about Mormonism? I mean, seriously. Between that hurdle and RomneyCare, he'll be getting it from both sides. He'll be attacked by the Left for being some kind of religious nutjob, and his opponents in the primary will slice him to bits over RomneyCare — and the public won't forget the hysteria come the Big One. They may not remember the specifics, but they'll remember his fellow Republicans saying all those bad things about him — and maybe it would be better just to vote for that nice Mr. Obama again. At least you know where he stands on things. Tim Pawlenty — Jeebus! Are you aware this guy is a friggin' Creationist? If this country puts a Creationist in the White House, it deserves whatever ill fate befalls it. Hey, they're already teaching gay history in Social Studies; they might as well show pictures of Jesus riding around on dinosaurs in the science books, right? And let's not forget that Intelligent Design won't be far behind, and then Scientology, and, the next thing ya know, 500 years from today they'll be referring to us as "The Second Dark Ages". On top of that, he comes across as scrawny and not really made of presidential material. One of those 'girlie-men' that Arnie referred to. Sorry, Tim. Grow some, and give our love to the dinosaurs. Say hi to Jeebus for me. Ron Paul — Like I suppose many people, I like about 75% of what he has to say a whole lot — and the other 25% scares me to death. He's a typical Libertarian — can't please anybody. If he toned down the rhetoric a bit, he might actually have a shot. People would rationalize it by thinking, "I like that 75% part so much that I'm going to vote for him — and I'm sure Congress would never allow him to get away with that other 25%, right?" (click!) (voting machine tabulates vote) "Right??" As a small side note, don't ever believe it when you read he's won some online poll, or straw vote as happened a few months ago. His fervent followers are notorious for gaming the system. Sorry, fellas, but that's why they invented the word "reputation" — and you have one. And finally, our one official non-official entry, Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Pending change in circumstance, I said. This would be that circumstance. While he carries the heavy stigma of "Oh, gawd, not another cowboy in the White House!", at least that's a lot more palatable than any of the above. The media can only carry the cowboy meme so far, whereas it will have a field day — or year — with the Wicked Witch, the Moonbeam Mormon, the Crazy Creationist and the Loopy Libertarian. Has the word circus sprung to mind yet? Don't worry. It will. My worry is that Perry might turn out to be another Fred Thompson. Like many, I immediately knew Fred was the candidate we were looking for. When someone starts quoting from the Federalist Papers, you know you've found the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan. Alas, it wasn't to be. (For you Frederalists out there dabbing a tear from your eye at the sad memory, this should only make it worse.) Fred ran a lackluster campaign at best, and just never appeared to have his heart in it. And he was late to declare, and thus the MSM didn't take him seriously, so he had two strikes against him going in. I'd be a'feared that if Perry waits too long to make the 'official' announcement, the MSM won't view him as a 'serious' candidate and he'll have to grindingly work his way back up the respectability ladder for air time. If you want an additional worry, if he was going to declare during this time frame, wouldn't the 4th of July have been the perfect date? On the other hand, I read an article this morning where the author didn't think Perry would enter the race before early next month, so perhaps I'm overstating the importance of the 'official' entry date. I'm still thinking of Fred and how faltering the MSM made his campaign out to be. If Perry declines to run, I suggest you start paying more attention to those "Convert your equity into gold bullion!" ads. Might be something to them. Well, that's my take on this mess so far. A very uninspirational lot, rife with problems that can't be danced around, and if Perry doesn't jump in it's going to go in ugly directions that no one can foresee. But there'll be enough confusion to put enough doubt in the voters' minds to cause unease — and that's why incumbents tend to be reelected. Need you be reminded how strong a force doubt can be? OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony could not be reached for comment.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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I don't agree. I don't think many are paying any attention to the primary candidates right now so there's not a lot of excitement yet. Even if there isn't an exciting pubbie to vote for, I think a lot of people are going to vote against the 'O'. Rasmussen has his approval index at -18%. That means that 18% more are strongly disapprove of him than strongly approve of him. It has varied but it hasn't been positive since May 2009 (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll). If employment doesn't get a lot better in the next year (from today's numbers, that seems unlikely), I think O will be finished. What is he going to run on, "Elect me for more of the last four years"? That doesn't sound like a winner to me. None of his major initiatives is popular with voters (health care, foreign policy, bail outs, etc.).
Of course all this is precluding the possibility that there is not a primary competitor to O. I wouldn't discount that possibility. well then, what about this guy - is he a republican? I don't know......this was sent to me by a coworker:
There is a really interesting interview on David Letterman with US Navy Admiral Mike Mullen June 13th, 2011. He took up all three segments on the show and has a lot to discuss on His checkered start, Iraq/Afganistan, post traumatic stress, don't ask/don't tell, the death of Bin laden. You almost expect him to announce he will be running for president at any moment. Here are links to the interview on YouTube. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YLsETCKd7Y Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLq5-XhbS8I Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syqaExN1gDA I forgot to add that Zero's stirring speech this morning said things like "... things can get better ..." and "... I am ready to roll up my sleeves ..."!
Sheesh!!! Can get better? He hasn't been "rolling up his sleeves" till now??? Well, fwiw, I heard McCotter when he announced his bid, and I was really impressed. Currently, he is an unknown. But he was very articulate and well-spoken.
I agree w/ you about the prediction.
But it's not that conservatives aren't active, it's that many conservatives have been poor communicators. Reagan was known as "The Great Communicator" for a reason. Christie communicates very well...and thus is admired greatly. Quayle, Dole, McCain- mediocre communicators at best. Conservatives need to get serious about grooming candidates to communicate well. Oh, btw, what's wrong w/ creationism?
There's a reason there are so many parallels between global warming and evolution...both are junk science. And those so called "dark ages" were actually some of the most tecnologically productive years in human history. What they didn't have was great monuments to imperialism and latin poetry. Not a big loss IMO. If evolution is junk science then you don't understand what science is. Evolution is one of the most studied phenomena and has totally overwhelming scientific evidence supporting it. Try Coynes book as a starter. Thing is, I guess you daren't because you believe in some whack-pot idea like "God designed us" or other twaddle that somehow gives you comfort in a universe you are too frightened to contemplate.
Obama in a landslide? This isn't 1936 and he won't be able to blame Hoover or Bush.
Terrible jobs report today. I'll be shocked if there is a better one in the next year and a half. The President and Democrats have promised to raise taxes on individuals and businesses. Obamacare and Dodd-Frank are just now gearing up to really destroy jobs and get the next recession going. Obama will lose in a landslide. I like Gary Johnson, Herman Cain, and McCotter in that order. Dissappointed thet Bobby Jindal isn't running. My crystal ball shows no 0bama landslide unless:
1) Unemployment magically begins to drop. 2) Gas prices fall next year by $1-$1.5/gal. 3) He finds radioactive dirt on the GOP nominee. 4) Repubs cave to 0bama on debt/taxes, and the TEA Party responds by fielding their own candidates. Barring those events, he might eke out a win but I believe any GOP nominee has a shot against him. Furthermore, any GOP nominee would make a better POTUS. 0bama has set the bar THAT low. I was impressed with Mullen in the Letterman interviews. Thanks for the links, Nancy.
I'm left with the same questions: Is this guy on the left or right, and does he have any political aspirations? One clue may be that Letterman wasn't in his usual attack mode that he reserves for conservatives, but again I'm not sure. I'm going to say something that might provoke laughter or head scratching. You are assuming that 'normality' prevails and we have elections. Or that there won't be some catastrophic even which might change how we elect a President. So many things to imagine. And all of them just as probable as what we assume is a normal election season.
I think there will be violence. A lot of violence. Who makes the first shot? I don't know, but there are some pretty evil indicators that it isn't going to be the Tea Partiers. And that is just the opening salvo. Some people, intoxicated on power might do anything, absolutely anything to stay in power. God help this nation if this ne'er do well is reelected. I suspect mr. mercury is misunderestimating the discontent out here. And his comment about "Mormonism" runs so far foul in relation to what this country is supposed to stand for and our founding principles that I find myself outraged. Why, one would almost think that a faith that instills patriotism, a sense of community and family values, a love of hard work and personal sacrifice in our youth and a belief that our founding fathers were "divinely inspired" was at its core un-American.
Ron Paul is a Lyndon LaRouche clone only dumber.
And he's a racist. Before anybody goes off on "he didn't write those articles", they were printed in his newsletter, under his name and with his imprimatur. Game. Set. Match. Hardly. But people believe what they want. So if that's all the proof you need, then I'm sure nothing can convince you, even if the truth of what occurred smacked you in the face, threw you to the ground and demanded an apology.
He's not a racist. End of story. But once the meme is out - it's impossible to stop. By the way - you have heard of counterfeiting, right? Apparently, it's quite a lucrative business, and in politics it pays HUGE dividends. Ron Paul, in my estimation, is one of the few bright lights out there. Who else would call out Harry Reid for cancelling the Independence Day recess in order to 'focus on the debt ceiling', and then recount all the work that was done on nonsense? Oh that would be....nobody, except Ron Paul. Who else is calling for an audit of the Fed's Ponzi scheme, and its illogical, irrational, and mildly criminal behavior of printing money non-stop while taking in questionable assets in exchange? That would be...nobody, except Ron Paul. Look - anyone who sees that criminal behavior is rampant in government and actually does stuff about it is going to be demonized, lied about, and fraudulently attacked. I've had my reservations for years about Ron. I've liked him from a distance. But it's now or never.....and he's the only guy talking sense. I still haven't figured out the 25% that scares people. Reducing our foreign bases and allowing other nations to foot the bill for their own defense scares people? I guess that leaves legalization of drugs. But then again, for most of the life of this nation, drugs were not illegal to any extent and it wasn't a problem. It is now because we're sensitive about it, and aware of their drawbacks. Even so, I'll say this: Prohibition. It doesn't work. I like Paul for lots of things, but I don't like some of his foreign policy ideas. I don't believe we are the reason people attack us - which seems to be what he believes. I also worry that auditing the Fed is dangerous as it might open it up to political manipulation, but he and I agree that we don't need nor should have the Fed in the first place.
Having said that, given our current situation, he might be the right man for the times. Our fiscal situation is perilous and we have lost so much of our freedoms, I think we need to take them back. If he were the nominee, I don't think I'd have much trouble voting for him but he's not my first choice. Racist? I'm not familiar with the accusations but this reminds me of Goldberg's column on that subject a couple of days ago linked here at Maggies. That says it better than I could. Paul doesn't believe we're the reason other nations hate us. He believes that nations should be allowed to make their own choices and resent when another nation (like the US) overexerts their influence. As a result, it's not that they hate us for who we are or even necessarily for what we do. They hate us because we don't allow them to make their own decisions.
The same is true domestically - let people make their own minds up. The "racist" comments are based on a newsletter with his name and signature on it which were fraudulently released and the people who released it claimed he approved it. There is no evidence this is true, and Paul continues to deny it. There were several other incidents which were trumped up, too. I've been to several Paul rallies. He's no racist. People fear his logic, he's starting to reach people, so they are looking to undermine him. He's a racist pure and simple. He can't run from it - he owns it.
Game. Set. Match.
Tom Francis
2011-07-08 20:50
Palin/Bachmann - so you finally admit that I'm right - as usual. Our only disagreement seems to be on if it will happen at all - and I'm thinking no. Political parties tend not to go back to people and concepts that fail - and that whole female VP thing failed big time - twice. That blurb you quoted could have been written by me.
Christie/Palin - no way Jose. (1) Palin will never be given a shot at VP again - it's President or nothing. Secondarily, Christie is a blow hard. When you really get right down to it, he's done nothing but piss people off - and you don't get elected President by pissing people off. Based on how he became a legislator, he's kind of like a mini-Obama stabbing his friends and mentors in the back. Nope - me for me. Romney - I think you are under estimating Mitt's ability to deflect the Mormon "question" - similar to the way JFK deflected the Catholic "question". Mormons aren't any different from any other belief system - and their life's work is to work in service. Do you have any idea how many FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department operatives, DoD personnel are Mormons? A lot believe me. The reason is that they are virtually untouchable in terms of bribery, coersion, etc. Frankly, Romneycare isn't going to be a huge problem for him - yes, he is responsible for it, but as he said, there were issues that cropped up and he knew it. He knows where the holes in the scheme are. He even said if Nanny Nancy, Horrible Harry and Barry O had called him, he could have pretty much told them what worked, what didn't work and what wouldn't work no matter how much money you threw at it. And he is a good fund raiser, he learned a lot his last run and he's a pretty good looking guy with a great looking family. He's a Republican JFK when you think about it. Pawlenty - I'd rather have a Creationist than a Socialist. Frankly, I don't care if he believes in dinosaurs or not - he did a good job in Minnesota and maybe deserves a chance with VP. Thank you, Mr. Francis. If people really want the truth, they should do some research and learn just how many people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have faithfully served throughout our government over the years.
It might open some eyes and uncloud some minds and souls. Yeah about Christie. He strikes me as more than a bit a bully. That's OK now and then, but all the time? I don't think it would wear well.
I live in NJ, and reluctantly voted for Christie, because I thought he was a bully.
Now I'm more than impressed. He's no bully. He is frank, and honest. People hate honesty because sometimes the truth is what beats you down. So you label the honest guy a bully. He's not, of course, but it's how you feel because you KNOW he's right - you just don't want to agree. It's a tough game. Christie isn't about playing to the game - he IS the game. Your mindreader probably needs maintenance and calibration, the readings are off.
However, o brave one, circumstances will change.
Exceptionally psychic, yall ain't Doc. Mormitt Romney is a zombie borg who cain't distinguish men from cars and JFK couldn't handle the job, either. Getting elected ain't a qualification for a sound President. Chicklette's just don't have Rebublican majority, let alone the whole electorate. Pawlenty has an accomplished track record and can hand Hussein0 his hat, methinks. Of all of them, I'd meet McCotter for a beer, I'd invite Mitt to a cocktail party, and I'd take Perry huntin' coyotes.
Invite Romney to a cocktail party? You are quite the parsimonious Yankee, aren't you BD? What, do you invite anorexics to buffets too? You know Mormons don't consume their share of the liquor stash at cocktail parties. You're lucky Haley Barbour isn't running, he'd attend your cocktail party and get his money's worth and then some, while he'd pry a big old donation out of you as well.
There are 3 key points here:
1. I agree with 90% of what you wrote, but point out the "come from nowhere" guy has happened often enough. Remember 1992? Remember 1976? Even Obama was a Dark Horse. Of course, these guys were all Democrats and the MSM will PUSH a Democrat Dark Horse. They will flay a Republican one. Doesn't mean it can't happen, especially if: 2. The economy continues to tank. I'm sorry, there is no recovery and probably won't be for 3-5 more years. All that "stimulus" money was wasted....I think we got .75 in GDP growth for each dollar spent. I know that if you remove the "stimulus" in the quarters where it had the most impact, the economy actually shrank significantly. And that doesn't bode well for Obama because: 3. Inflation is going to come home to roost eventually. It may not be during this election cycle, but I bet it will. The rest of the world is suffering because we're printing money and it's being directly injected into the economies whose currency is directly linked to the dollar. In addition, those who have floating currencies are seeing it impact prices through Eurodollars. The Fed IS our Smoot Hawley Tariff....and while the first few rounds always seem like "it's working, because we're not shrinking", eventually the impact will become clearer. You can't print your way to health. As for the candidates themselves, I'm no Romney fan, but I'd take him over Obama, even though Huntsman is the REAL winner between the two (and he's the guy Romney and Obama fear the most, though his campaign has begun inauspiciously). That said, I don't know what 25% of Ron Paul scares people. I've been Libertarian since 1985, and I know alot of them are freaky people, but I don't hang out with the gun-toting porn show prostitutes that the press likes to attribute to the Libertarian Party. A good number of strong, honest businesspeople are Libertarians, and the minute they make themselves known, the MSM pushes them aside. Entertainment wise, Drew Carey had a hit show, and once his politics (Libertarian) came out and he became slightly more vocal than people liked, he was shuttled off the air (why don't they do that with idiots like Barbra Streisand, Tim Robbins and their ilk?). I'm very intrigued by the process and waiting to see what happens. At least, right now, I can honestly see Ron Paul is having an impact. Other candidates are adopting some of his themes. I like that. ?? Pretty lousy analysis.
Here is the bottom line. Wee Lord Brakabama manged to win 53% of the electorate against the shittiest candidate in my lifetime. Now he has lost a hell of a lot of support and all of the novelty of being half white instead of all white and replaced that with what? Nothing. Unless he survives an assassination attempt or manages some sort of coup, that little shit is gone in a landslide. His only hope is to suppress turnout, and that hope is not even a remote possibility. People are going to be camping out like they're buying Eagles tickets to vote against this vile little asshole. On that you can bank. As much as what you wrote is true, remember that Obama benefits from several things:
1. A base of 43% or so who will not abandon him under any pretense (unlike Bush, who built a base only to lose almost all of it by the end of his tenure, Obama has votes assured to him simply because he's a Democrat and they buy their votes for a lifetime) 2. A very respectful, fawning, and supportive press that will not undermine him in any way despite their admission that he's disappointing them. Disappointing them isn't enough for them to change sides, apparently. 3. The fact that the remaining 10% of the votes that he may have "lost" know who he is, while they are still unsure about most of the Republicans. The BEST one can hope is that somehow the Republicans figure out a way to change that. The worst we can hope is that they don't vote at all due to ennui. Sorry....right now, I have to agree with Doc Mercury's analysis, mainly because it's all about the now - not the future. Bingo, good analysis coffer, nobody likes this fool but bed wetting lefties and ghetto denizens, 1/2 of whom won't vote. Any articulate republican will beat homeboy down in an election short of massive voter fraud.
Looking for another Fred Thompson? Fred lost me when I saw his commercial hawking reverse mortgages. Sorry, but no.
It's 'analysis' like this from clever lads like Dr. Mercury that will ensure our defeat in 2012. ANY Republican can beat President Obama IF all Republicans support him. The President has lost a significant number of independents, and he has alienated a large portion of the Democratic base (Hispanics, gays, Jews, enviro's). And the economy is in truly horrific condition. He is in the exact same position that McCain was in during the 2008 election - independents had soured on Republicans, any Republican, and Republican voters did not fully support his candidacy. If we waste time wringing our hands and whining about 'Oh, Chris Christie isn't running, woe is us!' then we will be defeated. ANY of the current candidates would be a better President than Barack Obama, and I include Ron Paul in that. All we have to do is let the nominating process take its course and then BACK THE NOMINEE 100%! Now quit whinging, get your panties out of the twist they are in and GET POSITIVE! We can win this and we will win this - we must, or our country will be ruined beyond repair.
You all need to take a chill pill. There will be no voting for 7 months, and the General election is 15 months away. A lot can and will happen.
Let me tell you a story. A long, long, time ago. Way back in 2008. There was an election. The country elected a man from an ethnic and racial minority, whose religion is repellant to almost all Americans, and whose track record was zilch, except for the work he had done for socialist organizers. Why did that happen? Was he a knight in shinning armor who could communicate? He dressed up nicely and he could read the lines on a teleprompter. But, otherwise he was a nobody from a corrupt urban political regime. He won because the economy went into a tail spin 7 weeks before the election. Since then he has presided over disastrous policies, that have left us with the worst post crash economy since WWII, Congress has not adopted a budget in the last 2 years. The Administration has not proposed a serious budget, and he has dropped everything else to hit the campaign trail. Would he be re-elected if the election were held next Tuesday? I doubt it, but the election is 15 months away. A lot can happen. The good news for those patriotic Americans who want to see BO go back to his corrupt buddies, is that if something happens, he probably will not handle it well. The economy is more likely to get worse than it is to get better. And the foreign policy arena that he so wanted to avoid holds many unpleasant surprises for him. He won because Americans are morons. Or, if you prefer, have totally abandoned their duties as citizens. Easier to eat, and watch tv. Maybe get a tat.
Wealthy Americans, by and large, not only vote Democrat. They're leftists. That's because we're "exceptional", is one way of putting it. Dr. M, how many electoral campaigns have you won? I suggest you’re having a little fun and trying to build your consulting business.
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All of the declared candidates contain major flaws which the MSM will mercilessly exploit, both overtly and covertly, blatantly and subliminally, and I find none of the candidates inspirational in the slightest. And the poor selection is only one of...
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