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Saturday, June 25. 2011History's Mysteries: The O.J. Simpson Jury
It felt like it had been the longest week of my life. I was filling in at some big apartment complex while the building's handyman was on vacation, and I ran my tail off all week long fixing things. I came home that Friday and did something I'd never done before, and have never done since: I flopped into my easy chair. Normally, I plunk myself down in front of the computer and get caught up. But I was so beat that I just wanted to hit the La-Z-Boy and relax. Out of boredom, I turned on the TV. It was kind of a bizarre sight. On a completely empty highway, a white SUV was cruising down the fast lane going about 45 miles per hour, trailed by a zillion police cars. It eventually turned off and as it drove through the neighborhoods, people stood on the side of the street with signs reading "Go, OJ!", "We Believe In You!", "Run, OJ, Run!" As I said, it was pretty bizarre. And thus started a nine-month journey as I watched every word of testimony and every cable talk show that evening, VCR at the ready for overlapping shows. And yes, I was there, a few weeks after the trial ended, watching the final talk show on the trial's aftermath, and when they signed off, that was the last of the 'OJ Special' shows. So I obviously consider myself something of an expert on the subject. The other day there was an article on Hot Air claiming that OJ was going to 'fess up and admit to Oprah that he did, indeed, kill Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. It's probably a hoax, but we'll see. You might agree with some of the comments:
Actually, these people are as wrong as wrong can be. And here's why. It all boils down to a simple legal phrase you've heard a thousand times: Guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. In other words, if doubt is introduced and not refuted, then the correct judgment is 'Not guilty'. And there were actually quite a number of doubts that were introduced — and not refuted. Combine them all and that's enough for any jury to have 'reasonable doubt'. Result? Not guilty. Bitch all you want, but that's how the system works. The underlying moral principle is that it's better to let a killer go free than imprison an innocent man. You want to be that innocent man? Keep bitching about that silly 'reasonable doubt' clause and maybe you will be. To wit: Physical Evidence At one point, the jury was shown incontrovertible video evidence that a person collecting blood samples out on the sidewalk momentarily lost her balance and touched the ground with her surgical glove. That put the element of doubt into all of the collected evidence. If one sample can be contaminated, then they all can be. The DNA Remember, this is back in '94, when DNA sampling was just getting off the ground, and it took the silver-tongued Barry Scheck exactly one day to prove to everybody in the universe that the science was still in its infancy and rife with the possibility for error. The policewoman touching the ground with her hand negated the physical evidence, and this took care of the lab's. The Trust Factor "Have you ever shown any sign of racial prejudice?" asked the defense attorney of Detective Mark Fuhrman. "No, I have not." he replied under oath. But, oops-a-daisy, wouldn't you just know it, but ol' Fuhrman and another detective were caught on video down in the 'hood talkin' jive with the locals, including using the word "nigger" which, in the 'hood, has no racial significance and refers to blacks and whites and everybody else caught in the trash basket of life known as the ghetto. But it certainly had significance in Judge Ito's courtroom. And, so much for the police 'trust factor' in the jury's eyes. After all, this racist lied while under oath! And if one policeman can lie while under oath, then they all can. The Evidence Uh, sorry, I missed that. What evidence? The only 'evidence' that weighs on a jury's mind in a case like this is the murder weapon, and the knife was never found. OJ had dumped it at the airport and it was ancient history by the time they started looking. And then... The Moment Arrived OJ never took the stand, so the jury only had one occasion to judge him; when he attempted to put on the gloves. Not only did the defense team know that the gloves would have shrunken with all of the testing, but they gave OJ 'bloat pills' that morning so his fingers would swell up. By the time he tried them on, they were a good two sizes too small. He really had to struggle to pull them on. "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!" Thus spaketh lawyer Johnny Cochran. And who could argue differently? Motive This is a pretty big deal as far as that "life and death" stuff goes. There's supposed to be, you know, a reason someone commits such a heinous crime. And no one could ever provide one to the jury. "Acted out of blind rage" only goes so far. Juries need evidence. Ed's article on Hot Air was pretty good, but he did miss one little thing: The motive.
Well, er, not quite. What the jury wasn't told was that Nicole had lit the candles around her bathtub, which her friends were later quoted as saying she only did for 'special' (wink-wink) occasions. The fact that Ron was zipping around in her car might also be an indication he was there for some other reason than "by chance." In other words, ol' Ron was tooling around town basically saying to OJ, "I'm screwing your wife, buddy — and borrowing her car!" OJ eventually snapped and wasted them both, lit bathtub candles and all. The coroner said Ron had first been pierced by multiple small stab wounds as he lay tortured on the ground, which would be indicative of a raging jealous husband, as referred to, say, a mugger demanding your wallet or car keys. But the jury never learned why the bathtub candles were lit. No motive.
No motive, no murder weapon, no glove that fit, no crime scene evidence, no DNA evidence, no trust in the police's testimony... Just what the hell did you expect?? As one of the D.A.'s said afterward, "We had enough evidence to convict ten men." What made it a disgrace was the way the prosecutors never deflated any of the above. Here are a few other gems the jury never heard: — Amazingly, the killer went from the crime scene directly to OJ's house to spy on a houseguest and dropped one of his bloody gloves outside the guest's window. It was a very expensive glove with a unique stitching pattern. OJ was shown doing sports commentary a year before at some football game — wearing gloves with the exact same unique stitching. — And then there were the size 10½ Bruno Magli shoes the killer wore. The company had two outlets in the U.S., New York and L.A. In its entire history, the L.A. store had sold exactly two pair of size 10½ Bruno Magli shoes. One of them to OJ Simpson. — A few months before the crime, OJ was rehearsing for some movie involving the SEALs and had learned how to effectively slit a person's throat from behind using a combat knife. The same type of knife the coroner said was used on Nicole — from behind. If you're wondering, there were a few talk show pundits brave enough to venture a 'not guilty' verdict the night before, risking being laughed off the set in the process. As I recall, one was a judge and another a lawyer, which makes sense. While most people were smitten with the overwhelming evidence, those who understood the high hurdle "beyond any reasonable doubt" presents saw it differently. Like it or not, the jury made the correct decision.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
in Our Essays, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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What I remember most about all of this was the White people rioting in the streets after the verdict, burning cars and destroying stores. Oh wait..
I agree. I wasn't surprised by the verdict at all.
It is interesting how, only a few years before, there were riots in the Rodney King case against the cops....but in this case, none whatsoever. Different people process and react to information differently, I suppose. Mornin' Merc,
I, too, was drawn into this "TV Special". I was intrigued. The night before the verdict was rendered I said he would walk. The jury did get it right. One does not go through the justice system seeking justice because that's not what it's about. As you stated (I paraphrase) it's about what evidence will be allowed and what can be refuted. As each piece was ruled inadmissable or appeared open to be refuted in the jury room, it was obvious to me that a guilty person would walk. "If it doesn't fit you must acquit" goes down as the best closing lines ever, IMO. This 'mockery of justice' also proves a few things: 1/ if you have the bucks, you have a better chance to buy your choice of verdict. 2/ the system, as designed, does work. 3/ the system has faults. 4/ et al "What goes around comes around" continues to be proven by this jerk. His actions, since the acquital, to date (sentenced to 33 yrs and parole possible in 9) shows that he thinks he can get away with anything. I believe, justice has been done. And he did it himself. Rot away behind bars, jerk. And hopefully not in peace. The Canuck Nicely put, Canuckles. The ultimate irony has to be, after all that, he goes and does something seriously dumb that actually DOES land his sorry ass in jail. And over some trophies? What a moron.
BTW, in case you guys didn't read the Hot Air article, his claim is that he acted in self-defense. Nicole came at him with a knife, so the only thing he could do in response was to whip out his SEAL combat knife and almost cut her head off. That's why Ed's quote up above reads as it does. His story might explain why he wasted Nicole, but it doesn't explain why he lit into Ron. Thanx, I did read the "Hot Air" article and his "self defense" claim. Too little too late.
I think he saw the "flickering glow of the bathtub candles" that he remembered so well and hoped to catch Nicloe in her bathrobe and her paramour blowing bubbles. Just happened to have the knife with him (sarc.) I happened to surf by the "Jail" reality show, recently, and guess wot? Simpson being processed, as the show was being filmed, was part of this episode. It was fun to watch (I'm saddened to say, as I don't want to watch someone's bad times and gloat) the process he should have gone through years ago. And now the denouement: you'll never guess what the cell number was... (ah! you did). Tell me you're not going to say "32". That would be just too friggin' awesome for words.
2011-06-25 12:28
So there is a God! I never read much his recent troubles and didn't catch that one. That's just too precious for words. Thanks for mentioning it.
It was truly a "Kodak Moment" and a "Mastercharge 'Priceless' " rolled into one.
Can't find the video but here's an article. http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=79900 G "and today I finally found my golf swing,"
Jesus. And they arrested him? At that critical moment of a golfer's life? Now I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. There are some things that just aren't done. Your analysis of the system proves that OJ Simpson is in prison for crimes he was acquitted of in the Los Angeles trial. And that seems to be just fine with you. It's rather compelling when you see that of all those implicated in the Las Vegas matter, OJ is the only one sitting in prison. He took his own possessions back from a thief and ends up with 9 to 33. 1st time convicted felons don't receive that kind of sentence, especially one involving the recovery of your own property. Totally railroaded.
I'd heartily agree that he was railroaded in Vegas, but on the other hand, how blitheringly stupid can a person be? I figured he was thrown in the clink for sheer moronicness.
I believe it would have been impossible to commit those murders and not be soaked in blood. Yet the total amount of blood found in OJ's Bronco, the getaway car, was described by a police evidence technician as totalling less then a drop. If OJ's clothes were blood soaked and he entered his home it would be impossible to clean up the blood evidence. There was no blood from the two victims found in OJ's house. OJ could not have committed the murder at the time it occurred, driven home, showered and cleaned up in time to catch his ride to the airport (yes I am aware he didn't answer the call from the driver at his gate right away). The way Nicole was murdered seemed to me to be more of a drug mob hit intended to send a message then it was a jealousy killing.
I, as usual, disagree. :>)
The reason OJ got off was not for the reasons you stated - albiet they are good ones. There are two main reasons OJ was declared Not Guilty. 1 - Judge Lance Ito. Quite possibly the most incompetent, lazy, indecisive and morally ambigous judge on the face of the planet. Shysters like Cochran and Sheck ate him for lunch, spit him out and had him again for supper. Ito couldn't find his ass with both hands tied behind his back. 2 - Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden who were both more interested in banging each other than presenting a credible prosecution case. It is a fact that while Clark had 13 years of experience in criminal prosecution, fully 93% of her cases never came to trial and were plea dealed out. Darden was a completel and total moron. Conclusion: Nimrod Judge plus Dumbass Prosecuters equals a free OJ Simpson. I don't blame the jury - I think they did the best they could given the evidence they had to use and the overly restrictive and clearly silly Instructions Ito gave them to use. The defense lawyers clearly wrote those instructions and gave them to Ito to read. I remember when OJ was declared Not Guilty. I was talking to my friend Captain Larry Doyle who was half way to Venezuela to pick up crude oil when the verdict came in. 20 meters just exploded with call signs, guys trying to get to their friends to tel them, etc. It was pretty funny. :>) Tom -
"The reason OJ got off was not for the reasons you stated - albeit they are good ones." It wasn't the reasons I presented that got him off -- it was the lack of refutation on the prosecutors' part regarding the aforemention reasons. As you said, they really dropped the ball. They could have blown them all to smithereens if they'd tried. So we're talking about the same thing, just coming at it from different angles. Tom,
I shouldn't have used "acquitted". "Being found NOT GUILTY means there wasn't enough evidence to convict you. In the U.S. Legal System you are innocent until proven guilty by a Court of law, so we say you were found not guilty. Well that doesn't mean you didn't do it, that isn't an "Innocent", it is a Not Guilty. You remain under the same view of being innocent, because you were through the whole trial, but it all it means is they couldn't prove it. Being acquitted means they couldn't even show enough evidence to take it to trial. They were so sure that the person would be found not guilty that they simply dropped the charges from the start." (Yahoo Answers) I watched the afternoon sessions of the trial and wasn't surprised he was acquitted although my reason is a bit different. I was in New Hampshire, going back to school for a year, and the afternoon session came on at 5 PM each day. In her summation, Marcia Clark lied about the limousine driver's testimony. I've forgotten the details now, 15 years later, but the timeline was stretched in her argument, probably to allow more time for OJ to get back to his house.
The jury asked for one section of testimony to be read back and it was that segment. I believed they noticed, like I did, the lie and discounted the entire prosecution case after that. The civil trial was the competent lawyer's version of the case. And they didn't even let the jury know about Fuhrman's history of lying under oath and planting evidence, either of which ought to end any cop's career with just one strike, and certainly should be revealed to any jury.
If our legal system has one glaring fault, it's what doesn't get revealed to the jury. Sometimes it's just amazing what testimony or facts they don't get to hear. In this case, I suppose any nefarious rumors about Fehrman would be deemed 'hearsay' and thus deemed inadmissible. And they must be rumors because, as you said, if they were the actual truth, he would have been ousted from the force long ago.
I confess, though, he was one of my favorite characters in this soap opera. I also liked Chris Darden and -- of course! -- the wonderful Robert Shapiro, played by Robert DeNiro in the soon-to-be-released movie. Tina Fey plays Marcia Clark. On the day that Clark & Darden threw in the towel on jury selection and gave the defense the jury it was fighting for, I made a dollar bet with my African American boss that OJ would skate. I still have that dollar bill – my boss wrote on it: "OJ innocent. You won, I lost", with his signature.
There is no reasonable doubt in my mind that OJ murdered them. But the amazingly incompetent prosecution team and judge made the not guilty verdict possible. Cochran did a good job. I still remember the unprofessional Marcia Clark in her miniskirts, basking in her 15 minutes of fame. Also, no one has mentioned that OJ jumped on a plane with a bad cut on his hand, or the clown of the show, Kato Kaelin. Or Peter Jennings being made a fool of by a live caller, a white guy putting on a ridiculous black voice. ...OK, I found the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cuf8YlL3H8 The government got the verdict they were after. They and the insurance companies were not going to risk another riot in LA and who knows where else. That, and the man was one he'll of a running back.
See, this is what is wrong with America.
Given a whole list of carefully presented arguments of why it was stupidity, not malice, someone has to stand up and say it was a government conspiracy. Bloody f'ing H*ll people. Name 2 things in the last 40 years that give you ANY evidence that the USG is capable of pulling off a multi-year conspiracy of that magnitude. Please. I can think of ONE thing they did that indicated some sort of quick response, intelligence and the ability to plan ahead that DID NOT result in a complete cockup. ONE thing. OJ was found not-guilty because the judge was a media whore, defense was good, the prosecution wasn't, and people are sick of dirty, testilying cops. As long as we keep blaming this shit on some sort of star-chamber committee we're never going to fix the problems--but it will give you cover to sit in your barcalounger and whinge about how THEY aren't fixing things. I have said the same thing many times over. The DA chose the most incompetent prosecutors he had on his staff and then permitted the trial location to be changed. Vincent Bugliosi called the prosecutors completely inept. This was done only to keep LA from burning again. An unintentional consequence of affirmative action.
OJ confessing to Oprah is a hoax.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/23/oprah-oj-simpson-confessi_n_883066.html he got away with murder because he's a rich black celebrity, period.
Yes, there might have been some doubt as to some evidence, but in any case not involving those factors (or the right combination of them) that would never have been brought to light, or the jury ordered to not consider the evidence. And of course the jury no doubt had already decided to not convict before they even were sent out to deliberation, based solely on the fact that it was a rich, black, (goodlooking? who knows) celebrity on trial rather than some average smalltown kid working at the neighbourhood deli. The same is seen in many similar cases throughout the years, with the noted exception when once in a while a starlet like Amy Winehouse gets convicted for something minor like DUI driving or shoplifting so courts and politicians alike can claim that "there's one law for everyone". The jury got it right. The case was effectively over when it was proved by the defense that EDTA was found in the blood presented as evidence on the socks and on the gate. The only way that could have happened is if it were planted by the LAPD detective Phillip Van Atter who had the tube of OJ Simpson's reference blood sample. EDTA is a blood preservative added to the tubes in which blood is collected to keep it from coagulating and spoiling.
When that happens, the case is over, finished. |
These are what I consider my better pieces: "Do these genes make me look fat?" — As these things go, this is probably the most official 'exposé' on the site. It's amazing how we're being lied to. Beautiful Camp Elmwood — I just l
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