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Friday, June 10. 2011Friday morning links
Up To 8-Foot Long, 160-Pound Mountain Lion On The Loose In Conn. Mitt Romney Endorses Global Warming Hoax 'Kill a camel' to cut pollution Even Iowans don't care about ethanol subsidies anymore. Obama’s EPA Regulations Will Cost Coal Industry $200 Billion & Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket Naked therapy for Weiner? Remind me why we are at war with Gadhafi Trackbacks
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There is more than one mountain lion in CT. If I were a betting man I'd say there at least three - maybe more. A couple of years ago I had one in my backyard but I was told by DEP that I was wrong - it was a bobcat. I know what a mountain lion looks like and even sent in pictures of the paw prints but was given some gobbly gook about wind and sun erosion making the prints larger even though I took the pictures about five minutes after the animal moved through. CT DEP has denied the presenco of mountain lions in CT for at least ten years that I know of despite evidence to support their existence. In fact the guy who bought our house in Woodstock asked me if there was a mountain lion in the area after seeing paw prints when he walked the property line - and he is a biologist. I don't know why DEP keeps denying they are here - maybe this will get them to take the reports from NE CT seriously.
If a mountain lion has been spotted in a town only 30 miles from NYC and several miles from a fair number of divided highways, it stands to reason that one can locate a mountain lion in the "quiet corner" of CT.
Tom: did you ever meet Richard Hyde of CT DEP? I've met him - I don't know him personally. He was involved in a wetlands project in my former neck of the woods - met him then when they were doing a wetlands survey. At the time I owned a rather large chunk of wetlands on Perrin Road in Woodstock and I was interested in making it wetter - cutting in a drainage off a hill, dredging the existing wetlands to make a deep pool and extending the limits of the "swamp" to create a larger pond.
I never did it - sold the property to the farmer next to me. Romney is done because of Obamacare/Romneycare and now this global warming. The only difference would be the speed at which we destroy ourselves. Pawlenty had a good speech this week on growth instead of being a scold (Americans hate scolds) and Herman Cain is also one to watch.
I don't think Herman Cain has enough name recognition to make it this year, but would be a great VP or cabinet candidate.
I'd like to see a conservative cabinet announce that they will end all Czar titles/references/positions and get back to a minimum required cabinet and regulatory administration. Don't forget about the "M-" word...
That would be "Mormon." I'm sorry, but anyone stupid enough to believe the tall tales of Joseph Smith and the resultant silly religion won't "energize the base." Bill was catching. Anthony was pitching. Big difference, sarcasm off know.
Where are they in the case of the windmill farm chopping up the golden eagles?
I guess some animals are victims where others are not. Well, the O-Bamster DID say that electricity rates WOULD have to increase during his campaign - why the shock?
That, and many of his other utterances have come to fruition - much to our chagrin. Its like doing the same thing over and over, hoping for different results. The question is - who is more clinical... Per American Electric Power yesterday, if the EPA regs are implemented, their rates will rise by 35% and natural gas prices will increase by about 50%-which is a nice side-effect that Obama and his EPA want as well. AEP provides a significant amount of the daily electric demand to the N.Vir, Md, NJ, and NYC markets as they have significant surplus generation and relatively inexpensive energy. AEP went on to say that they will abandon 8-10 of their coal-fired generating stations rather than incur about $8 Billion that the new regs would require. That's about 8400 Mw of generation gone. Or about 3300 wind turbines of demand or 10080 wind turbines worth of energy.
Might want to buy GE stock? I'm sure a lot of your congress-critters and their staffs are doing so. It is possible the mountain lion escaped from someone's private collection. Until recently, there was a couple in Knox Co., OH, who kept several lions and tigers, and there still is a guy breeding wolves.
If there are two or three lose in CT, they may become a breeding population. Well, CT is over populated, so that would be a good thing. In my humble opinion, I believe it is a disinformation campaign on the part of the MA, CT and NY DEP organizations to keep this under wraps. Mountain lions are dangerous critters and if there are a few still around, or have moved East for various reasons that would create some safety issues that the DEPs would rather not have to deal with.
We've got 'mountain lions' in North Georgia as well. Some of the tracks are definately not bobcats. They and bears are very good reasons to carry a handgun when playing around in the woods.
If you worry about seeing a bear, make it a BIG handgun!
When I was a small boy, I read a book about Daniel Boone growing up in Virginia. According to the book, Boone shot a "painter", that is, a cougar, in Virginia.
The term "mountain lion" is already misleading. The mountain lion (catamount, cougar, puma, Felis concolor) is no more a mountain animal than is the grizzly bear. Both are quite at home in a range of habitats. The Eastern US has an environment highly conducive to cougars. Florida has its own subspecies, the panther of the Everglades. Cougars are hardy animals and there's every reason to think they've been in Connecticut all along. As people move into some areas and cougars move into them too, encounters and perhaps conflicts may be more common. Connecticut already has at least one potentially dangerous animal, the black bear. Cougars and bears use similar habitats. Any area with cover and game might be a home for bears, cougars, coyotes, or all three. People should remember that and take appropriate safeguards, especially for small pets and children. All of these animals have been involved in dangerous attacks on humans, although far less often than humans go after each other. Wolves and Cougars were historic denizens of all of New England.
We've got a few wolves straying pretty far from Yellowstone National Park and Petting Zoo -- need a few for Maine?
We have so many Black bears in MA that our town had to pass an ordinance forbidding feeding the birds - the bears were tearing down everybody's bird feeders and thus getting too accustomed to human dwellngs and people.
Re: Hillary/Gadafi
Where is regime change in NATO's remit or mission statement? |