Focus on the Family: Foundations of a Lifelong Marriage
Detroit: It Was Necessary to Destroy the Town in Order to Revive it
McArdle: Why Hasn't Anyone Signed Up For the High-Risk Health Insurance Pools?
Cupcakes? British Intelligence Still Has a Sense of Humor
Dino: The continuing structural instabilities in the banking system
UK update: Proposals include ban on sale of 'adult' pre-teen clothes, and requiring 'lads mags' to sell in brown covers
Old Blighty continues to beclown itself.
Beavers ripped my flesh
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
Says who? The guy who invented Obamacare?
Obama pal Fareed Zakaria Castigates Constitution, Founding Fathers:
Liberals just love hearing America denounced as "parochial." It makes them feel worldly and superior. This phony posture in part explains the tasteless joke we now have in the White House.
Goldberg is amusing: Is Weiner Being Frank?
Powerline: In Defense of John Edwards
Politics sure does attract slimeballs
PJ: How Not to Choose a Presidential Candidate
My Dad-in-law and I were mentioning last night that, at this point in the last cycle, nobody had ever heard of Obama
Every tree has end tables in it. You just have to let them out.
Blame Breitbart for Weiner
Punishing Sleep-Rape?
The devil made me do it
Tracked: Jun 05, 09:42