Wisconsin 'Ground Zero' of Battle to Reshape America
Do contrails affect weather?
Please explain again why we’re in Afghanistan
Also, Powerline: Is It Time to Get Out of Afghanistan?
Somin: The Morality of Political Ignorance
WaPo: Should professors be political?
Columbia University has voted to bring back ROTC
That is good
From Yuval Levin's Beyond the Welfare State:
For the left, it provided long-term goals, criteria for distinguishing progress from retreat in making short-term compromises, and a kind of definition of the just society. For the right, it was a foil to be combated and averted — an archetype of soulless, stifling bureaucratic hubris — and it helped put objections to seemingly modest individual leftward steps into a broader, more coherent context. But both ends of our politics seemed implicitly to agree that, left to its own momentum, this is where our country was headed — where history would take us if no one stood athwart it yelling stop.