Blogger's Brekkie via Theo
The Repub Pledge. No harm in being explicit on what they are "Yes" about.
Great pics of abandoned properties. h/t Doug Ross
Your body is always making cancer. h/t - I forgot
Kudlow: Go back to the gold standard
VDH wonders whether America is becoming a nation of peasants. Like Euroland?
Sowell: The politics of resentment
Fund: The Carter-Obama comparisons
Villainous: Quantifying the Hypocrisy of Lefty Academicians
Related, Q&O toys with An Academic Professional
TNR on Rand Paul
Watch your medical insurance costs rise. More details at Betsy
China-apologist Tom Friedman still loves China
Harper on Canada's gun registry:
“The people of the regions of this country are never going to accept being treated like criminals. We will continue our efforts until this registry is finally abolished.”
Tracked: Sep 23, 16:08