Why more wolves = more beaver, and other complications of the growing northern Rockies wolf population. I think the cattle-predator wolves should be trapped and re-established in southern New England. That would solve the excess deer population - and the coyote problem. Wolves kill coyotes (and coyotes kill fox -Peaceable Kingdom, indeed).
Time for the Europeans to grow up. Europe has no choice but to put the pensioners to work
Bruce's Brooklyn College posts here are still making news: Students At Public College Must Read Pro-Islam, Anti-America Book
Trailer for the new movie Runaway Slave
Dinkins: Vote by skin color. I do not think he is talking to me.
Euros view the EU as undemocratic. Duh.
Colleges: Where the money goes
The Telegraph tries to explain America to Euroland
Boehner is the target du jour. Problem is, he just doesn't seem very demonic - nor do most folks even know who the heck he is.
From Sipp:
It's not often you find anything unironic in popular culture now. I can be as snarky as the next guy, but sometimes you yearn for something genuine - some sentiment that doesn't resemble Lucy holding the football. It takes a kind of courage I admire to say things that are not equivocal.