A new collection of HL Mencken: Prejudices
A dog day camp seems like a great idea.
It isn’t rocket science to fix the economy — heck, we could do it ourselves if given the opportunity. But this crew hasn’t operated a lemonade stand amongst the lot of them. Help!!!!!!!!!
GOP Quandary: Is It Better Off if the House Stays Blue? Probably so, but not better for the country.
This GM IPO is pure politics. As was the GM takeover.
The bliss of an 18-month, paid, Swedish paternity leave. What sort of job could accommodate this stuff?
Gunman inspired by Sarah Palin Tea Party Al Gore
Time magazine at Surber:
Again and again throughout the piece by Michael Scherer of Time magazine, Obama comes across as an intransigent fool who will not adapt to the changes in the political reality.
From Michael Scherer of Time magazine: “For someone who so carefully read the political mood as a candidate, Obama has been unexpectedly passive at moments as President. Whereas other Democrats had hoped to spend the late summer talking about two things — jobs and the unpopularity of many Republican policies — the White House has been distracted by a string of unrelated issues, from immigration reform to a mishandled dismissal of a longtime USDA official to the furor over the proposed Islamic cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero.”
His downfall began last summer when he gave his last prime-time press conference on health insurance (groan).