City Journal: What Social Science Does—and Doesn’t—Know. Our scientific ignorance of the human condition remains profound.
No Big Bang: A new model of the cosmos. h/t, Vanderleun
When The Government Owns GM… the other auto-makers are not going to be treated very fairly.
Challenge to Health Care Law Advances
State and Local Debt Bombs Ticking Throughout US Heartland. Beware of muni bond funds.
Via Thompson:
And then there’s the leftwing think-tank, the New Economics Foundation, whose Head of Social Policy, Anna Coote, tells us we would become “better parents, better citizens, better carers and better neighbours” if only our incomes were dramatically reduced. “We,” she says, will be “satisfied” without the “dispensable accoutrements of middle-class life,” including “cars, holidays, electronic equipment and multiple items of clothing.” The preferences of the British electorate – whose taxes fund the NEF - don’t figure in this brave new world and the NEF’s deep thinkers simply know what’s best for us. What’s best for us is “introducing measures to reduce the gradient between high and low earners,” “growing our own food,” and “mending and repairing things.”
Top Ten Most Left-Biased Working Journalists
The Secret History of Climate Alarmism. It's about German politics.
At Volokh: Philipson and Posner on the Causes of Obesity. Some of the comments there are very good.
Ace on Paul Ryan's Roadmap:
I honestly would be in favor of the conservative bait and switch in '12 and pay the price in '14 if we got anywhere near the results the Democrats have gotten in the last year and a half. Somehow though, the Republicans never seem to pull the trigger.
Rep. Pete Stark: Federal Government Can Do Most Anything:
Has this guy ever read the Constitution? Didn't he have to swear to uphold it? People like this are dangerous.
Q&O: Bush tax cuts – it’s not your money, so quit whining
David Stockman on the debt: Four Deformations of the Apocalypse. He wants a tax hike. Kudlow .takes on Stockman
Tracked: Aug 03, 09:03