Hitchins, Brilliant Trotskyite, But Lost?
Indeed, nothing shows Hitchens�s continuing fidelity to the Bolshevik ideal more than his hatred for religion. He told the Guardian on May 31, 2005, �I can�t stand anyone who believes in God, who invokes the divinity ... I mean, that to me is a horrible, repulsive thing.� But Hitchens is by no means equal in his contempt for religions. He has written favorably of Judaism and described Islam as having been a �civilizing and creative force in many societies.� Hitchens has no such kind words for Christianity, especially as manifested in the Roman Catholic Church. This is hardly surprising: the Roman Catholic Church was Bolshevism�s most consistent and successful adversary, beginning with the 1920 defense of Warsaw from Trotsky�s Red Army, when the future Pius XI, in Norman Davies�s words, �stood on the ramparts of Radzymin and cursed the advancing hordes of Antichrist in person� and the Polish Army�dismissed by Trotsky as being �steeped in priests� lies��prevented the Red Army from watering its horses anywhere near Hendon.
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