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Friday, July 9. 2010Demonization Does You InDriving home from errands, I listened to Rush. He said, “Liberalism is socialism is marxism.” OK, I get that Rush makes his points with rhetorical flourish. And, I get that rhetorical flourish can serve the purpose of arousal. What I, also, get is that excess in speech or action will most often be counter-productive in persuading most of those on the fence as well as those fewer of contrary views who may be open-minded. What I, further, get is that excess in speech or action will most often harm oneself in keeping an even keel and integrity of purpose. The feedback loop polarizes oneself, thus becoming less focused and effective, even if self-satisfying to rant, and may even harm one’s meaningful relationships. The Democrat-run Democracy Corps does some very worthwhile polling. Its latest, 55% of likely voters find ‘Socialist’ an accurate label of Obama. It is, and I’m surprised that more do not think so. “Socialist” is a flexible term in usage, but is recognized as redistributive, at best, and needing or leading to oppressive measures, either at worst or inherent. That is Obama, even if of the imbued ‘60s variety of either idealism or confusion or avoidance about harsh realities. “Marxism” is more discrete in meaning, not even making more than a feeble nod toward individual liberties. Marxism, also, is so convoluted in its logic and practice as to have lost any claim to worth, except among the truly loony or self-servingly authoritarian. Professed believers in marxism or self-labelers as marxist expose themselves as so far outside acceptable in the US that only a very few tenure-protected academics might or a very few self-destructive wackos. Rush's point is harmed by going too far, unnecessarily, in demonizing Obama. He is dangerous, purposeful, redistributive to the harm of productive, and critical of the US' values and value to the harm of our security and that of allies. Neither, as Rush says, is Obama purposely damaging the US; he really thinks he's not and is improving it by his lights. Obama is, in a sense, worse than a manipulator. Obama is a true believer who marches himself and others forward in blind self-polarization. But, he's not a marxist, just imbued with the infantile socialism and leftist world view he was and is immersed in, and that is protected from penetration by his chosen similars. So, I think that Rush went too far, unnecessarily. Similarly, no far worse, is depicting Obama with a Hitler mustache or such, and such visual demonization. Aside from not true, it cheapens oneself, cheapens truly worse fiends and acts, and is a turn-off that chases away those who otherwise might listen. If you can’t make a decent argument from facts, and the facts are bad enough about Obama, then become better prepared, but don’t do yourself in and your purpose. Don't be self-polarized, so as to lose sight of the means and ends. Don’t get mad, get even. Our democracy provides plenty of opportunities to do so sanely and constructively.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Mark Levi is more careful with his words. Her very accurately has labeled Obama and the Democrats as statists.
If words have meanings, and if a person’s history is a fair basis for assessment, Obama is a fascist.
Sure, that’s even more inflammatory than Limbaugh’s lazy conflation. And it will not persuade those who do not want to admit that words have meanings and a person’s history is fair basis for assessment. The truth doesn’t care who is persuaded. To me, the deeper problem is how few of us have investigated the distinctions between various political philosophies. It is in essence the same as saying all liberals are good and all conservatives are evil. Yes, statist is more accurate, but that's a means to an end.
Yes, fascist is more accurate, at least if one defines it at its basis as the inter-locking self-serving of big business, unions and other such "private" sectors and government, to each's benefit, not primarily that of the "people", rights, peace or prosperity. And, though I use "statist" often, "fascist" only very rarely and in terms of the conspiracies of the "biggees", still the facts alone are bad enough and persuasive to anyone not already persuaded who is open-minded. I'm afraid this is one of those posts where the author tries hard to appear "even-handed" and, in the process, does not make his point very well.
The road to communism leads through socialism and liberalism--especially when that road runs in a democratic republic. Liberalism is a gateway drug, so to speak. Nice try though. I guess, then, you agree with Lenny Bruce, that Mother's milk leads to heroin?
I don't care what the O thinks.
However, I do think that a little Marxist fantasy lurks somewhere inside most Liberals and Lefties - even if they aren't fully cognizant of it. All you have to do is ask a Lib this question: "What human activity do you think the State should not be able to control?" No, he is a socialist and he is also a communist.
This posting is absurd. Calling out the truth is not "demonization". That word does not mean what you think it does. Rush is quite right in his assessments of both the chain of liberalism/socialism/commuinism and Obama and Co. It is mincing words to say otherwise. It is true that Obama is a "statist" (whatever that means in an of itself striped of ideology or rationale, as it were), but this is beside the point. He may well be a statist -- by definition all socialists are "statists". This tells us nothing. So is claiming that he is a "fascist" as this political creed is just a different form of socialism. Lastly, to aver that a "little Marxist lurks somewhere inside most Liberals and Lefties" is at best a wild understatement; at worst, it is being willfully obtuse. Firstly, "lefties" are by definition Marxists, this is why we call them "lefties" in the first place. Secondly, the Left co-opted the term "liberalism" at least two generation ago; modern "liberals" are most certainly not Liberals, not in the "classical 19th century sense". They are in fact "lefties" which is to say Marxists. So this too tells us little that is meaningful and in fact obscures matters. Some here may know people who call themselves "Liberals" and who would not consider themselves Marxist, but these are general "useful idiots" or lairs. No, Rush is quite right, and ignoring or soft pedaling this will be the thing that will "do us in". Frankly, I am rather surprised that the good folks at MF do not understand this. I'm not up on Marxism vs. socialism. So I'm asking seriously, what do Marxists believe that Obama would not favor if he thought he could get a consensus for it?
Good question Tex.
None know as there never was a Marxist program that wasn't changed/altered to meet whatever contingency or need or self-preservation, nor has Obama been truthful, indeed often lies, as to his means and ends and purpose. Therefore one can only speculate or guess. Regardless, what's important is to get him out of the WH, his allies out of the Congress, and to do that one must oneself be sane and purposeful and constuctive, and mean it, in gathering the necessary allies. Otherwise, it's emotional self-destructiveness and a loss to self and country. "True" Marxism is an incoherent, insane 19th century philosophy of everything, derived from Hegelianism. The real, true-blooded Marxists believe that a "crisis of capitalism" will lead to a total collapse of all states and a rise of a proletarian utopia where there is no government, no law, no property, and everyone spontaneously and continuously works for the betterment of society, fully developing every faculty in every direction (the same person will herd goats, do brain surgery, and write novels, and do all of them better than anyone currently living does them). Marxists hold that the evil of society stems from the division of labor--i.e. people specializing in different things.
I doubt Obama favors abolishing property entirely, or thinks the division of labor is evil. No, Obama's a sophomore socialist of the type who has no idea what "wealth" actually is, but is certain the government can distribute it fairly, and, at the end of the day, has no problem with Boeing or Goldman Sachs raking in mammoth profits. Obama is fine with private property, as long as the government directs how it is used, decides who gets to be rich, and is the true captain of industry. In other words, he's a fascist. Marx = from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Can't really describe that as complex now can we? That's Obama and all of his appointees leaping off place. They all believe it. "Don't be self-polarized, so as to lose sight of the means and ends."
Amen brother - amen. I see it all the time in some other forums I frequent. What you consider normal people when discussing on-topic subjects people go completely off the rails when discussing any other topic - often degenerating into a silly, pointless flame fest that orders on the absurd. That's right, everybody. It's not Obama who's gone too far, and on purpose, it's Rush, and unnecessarily. Obama really thinks he's doing good, but Rush is purposely demonizing.
And for all the talk about bringing facts about someone, all I am reading here is opinion. This is the single most idiotic thing I have ever read on Maggie's Farm. Along with being in some's eyes either a useful or useless idiot, I'm also just a straight idiot, topping all the rest.
As my wife says, I'm married to the King Of The Idiots. Hmmm? Is she writing Comments under assumed names? Seriously, though, of course it's my opinion. Like it or not, it's an illustration of what I mean that it's not persuasive or constructive to call me an idiot. Just ask my wife, and former wives! In one sense, Rush IS correct; Leftist = Socialist = Marxist = Fascist = Communist. Depending of course on YOUR exact definitions, all of these ideologies are found on the LEFT hand of the political spectrum, and ALL of them are "Statist," as Bruce said. One reason the Communists and Fascists fought each other so fiercely last century, is because they were fighting for the same constituents!
But ALL of these ideologies are (or should be) foreign to classical liberalism, which is what I believe the founding fathers envisioned for America, and what they so eloquently documented in the US Constitution, and various other documents, such as the Federalist Papers. BUT, you are also correct that using these labels will not persuade the vast number of independent voters that are needed to for us to send the statists home come November. Too many Americans are not concerned with these labels, and the MSM demonize anyone who uses them, correctly or not! I, too, am a little uncomfortable with labels on people, but we can't really talk about anything very well without some labels.
Is O a Marxist? He admitted that he hung out with Marxists in college. He hired people to work in the WH with him who seem to have a lot of respect for other Marxists. Neither of these things mean he is a Marxist. For that, we have to know what he really wants for this country. What he is trying to do now could be what he wants or a means to an end. Are Democrats Marxists at heart? A lot of them have no problem gushing over other Marxists such as Castro, Ortega, Chavez - I don't think they have to guts to cozy up to Stalin. The same question, I think, applies to them - where do they ultimately want to take the US? Economically, they seem to be more inline with the Nazis. Most do not want the govt. to own businesses, but would rather tax the hell out of them (more like Hitler than Stalin). Most would like to curtail our basic rights a lot (fits both Stalin and Hitler, though the Green agenda and abortion rights favor Hitler). But all this may be just a stepping stone to what they really want. Uncle Walter Williams likes to remind us that if the anti-smoking forces in the '60s had tried to stop smoking in outdoor places, they would have been laughed out of town, but starting with airplanes and progressively getting more intrusive worked. I would prefer that labels be explained so that you can see why the label was applied. Some people respond to labels more favorably - after all it fits on a bumper sticker and anything Rush comes up with could not be worse than BusHitler. And some are repelled. Rush has a polemic hat that he sometimes wears and my guess, he was wearing it then. I think we all know what he was saying and I don't think we really disagree. My $0.02. Jim Now Bruce, I did not call you an idiot. And you should find a nicer woman, someone who doesn't call you any names except "Honey" and "Handsome."
I like this comment today from Jack Risko, aka Dinocrat: "We overheard a conversation on an airplane yesterday in which one passenger said to the other, “However paranoid your fantasies are, they aren’t paranoid enough.” That's why I prefer to rent, and have had buyer's remorse!
I and many others were sufficiently paranoid, actually knowing, of what Obama's election portended. We just weren't persuasive enough to overcome "hope and change." Now, bumper-stickers that say "hope for change" might work. Probably better than mirroring the Left-extremists with "Obama-Stalin" or such. I do pray that we become more careful with our words...Not sure if I buy into Rush demonizing the O man, but I do see how one can interrupt it that way...I just really do pray that we all be careful...Demonization and degradation is not necessary...We had enough of that with GWB and hardly anyone stood up and said, let's stop this...It's okay to disagree, but we have something much different going on in this country...It didn't start with Rush it began back with Reagan and got really heated with GWB...In fact GWB still gets coals heaped on him for things that the O man has done...Go figure...
It's not okay no matter where it comes from...Can't we just all get along...Okay that was just gratitous on my part...Forgoive my spelling...Blessing all around. Don't we all remember, though, how incredibly difficult it was to get middle-of-the-roaders to acknowledge that Obama was a socialist before the election? After a while, it sank in, and now apparently it's what you might call common knowledge. Not being up on the exact definitions, I'm willing to accept instruction on how Obama differs from a classical Marxist, but if the shoe fits, you must acquit. If it's roughly fair and gets through to enough voters, I'm OK with that. To tell the truth, I don't usually call him a socialist or a Marxist, or indeed anything. I like to describe what he's doing and complain about that. I do have one of those "Socialism" joker t-shirts, though, and I like it.
I think socialist was an accurate description when he fired the GM CEO, started talking in mighty huffy puffy language, talking about kicking BP's ass without respect to the law, etc.
But considering the public mood, we will never let him usher in a bunch of fake green jobs, etc. So it doesn't even matter what he is, or what he'll do, because we know he won't do anything after November 2010. How far to the left, towards Marxism, do we suppose Obama and his ilk would take us if we didn't resist?
Where along the spectrum would he stop, given his own preference? Two words for you, sir:
Saul Alinsky Do you want to win? Get into the garden and get your hands dirty "Our democracy provides plenty of opportunities to do so sanely and constructively."
Yes, like through our neutral and critical media! Not to get myself flamed here, but it seemed clear to me during the election the Obama campaign was intentionally using Marxist-Socialist iconography to put forward his campaign. Look at his campaign posters, they were basically what you would have seen in Eastern Europe, Communist China or the Soviet Union, in their depictions of the Great Leader or Dear Leader as a type of secular Messiah figure. Was that just a calculated cynical strategy to get the far left voters, or did it signify something more?
I think time will tell whether Obama is just a Socialist or something worse than that. Remember that a major part of the Left's strategy is incrementalism, take the first step, get people used to that, take the next step, etc. Remember that Fidel Castro didn't start out as a Marxist either, at least in how he portrayed himself to the world. Part of the problem is that I don't think any "Marxist" is really a Marxist in the classical sense intended by Karl. It is simply an ideological facade to justify seizing power and concentrating it in "your group," whatever that group is. Yup. It's one of those situations where they knowingly touch a controversy and then marginalize when someone calls them out for it.
Red is not scarlet which is not pink. Yet, if you say the red family, I know you mean all three but not yellow, blue or green.
When the social democrats emerged from the conference at Gotha in 1875, Marx despised them. Obviously then they had departed from Marxism. Yet, they were trying to take marxism and make it palatable for their time and place by their lights. So, was it really a thing apart? Rhetoric has many uses. If Mr Limbaugh were trying to shed light on distinctions in political sentiment, you might have a point. I think he was taking the chance that he could lump them all together as the same vomitus in the popular imagination and hope they get expelled from the body politick in one giant hurl. I hope he succeeds. BUNK! We endured 8 years of shameless demonization of Bush. It's didn't hurt the Left one bit. Obama won and they control both houses.
Anger and hate is a great motivator. Nature programmed both into us because they are survival traits. Dear Maggie.
You are a fool. Obama's grandparents and parents were communists. Every association he has had in his life has been a communist, marxist, socialist, fascist or another form of radical. Investigate ANYBODY in the man's life. ANYBODY. You, dear lady, are a fool. I think you're splitting hairs distinguishing between socialism and marxism. They both lead to the same thing - state control, loss of individual liberties, wealth redistribution.
It's just that in 2010, "socialism" is the more acceptable label and people, including you, are uncomfortable with "Marxism." But, Rush is right. And, the sooner we recognize that the duck is a duck, the better. It strikes me that Rush is preaching to the choir - and he knows it. He seeks to inflame his audience [conservative leaning folk] into action, not convert liberals to his point of view. Liberals will be converted, but by folks who take Mr. Kesler's tack.
What if Obama is knowingly pushing all the buttons and testing all the known limits of constitutional destruction, daring any to challenge his authority?
While he may not possess the intelligence assigned him by the leftist elites, he is far from a naif, executing his Pavlovian duties in a manner that would make Alinsky proud. How about we look at it from the other end? Rather than try to define labels we might wish to attach to Obama, how about we define instead what an American president should be and then plot by how far out Obama misses the mark, in whatever direction. I care not the flavor of his miss, only the magnitude of it. This way, we only need to stipulate one term: American. And I submit that the Declaration of Independence renders a concise definition with "We [who] hold these truths to be self-evident..." -- keeping in mind that "self-evident" does not so much mean "obvious" as it means "embraced as axiom".
Vector classic liberalism along the line of reason from Kant through Locke and Jefferson, the Declaration and Constitution, all the while keeping one's eye on "pursuit of happiness" property rights and free market perspectives of Hayek and Friedman, and I submit "American" is minimal government sufficient to secure individual natural rights, support an ordered civil society of equals, defend the individual against fraud, and the nation against hostile invasion: not perfectly, but practically -- the worst of dynamic balancing acts, but at Churchill might observe, the best yet devised by man. Being a fan of Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism" and Shlaes's "The Forgotten Man" I would put Coolidge as the last American president (to wit), with Reagan fighting a rear guard action against the Progressivists (for want of a label) beginning with Wilson, the first US president to criticize the Founding Fathers. Others might reckon on that differently, but I think a case can be made that the Obama administration (in cahoots with Pelosi-Reid) has crossed the Rubicon with malice of forethought as the most un-American we've yet had to suffer. Oh. That Obama is "just imbued with the infantile socialism and leftist world view he was and is immersed in, and that is protected from penetration by his chosen similars" just breaks my heart. Stop. Thanks for the inspiring post. -- Ralph Thayer New London, Connecticut ### NONSENSE.
Semantics. Whether one uses the word SOCIALISM or MARXISM (or...or...) one is aptly describing the tragedy of Obama vis a vis the United States of Amerca today. But...PUH-LEASE! Feel free to keep trying to arrange chairs on the Titanic, as the Leftists in America steer the ship ever closer to the icebergs. RUBBISH. Keep your eyes focused on the bigger picture (...as "Mr. T" would say...) FOOL! I've preferred "radical leftist" when I have to use a term, or statist -- but the latter does not cover his "green" thrust. It seems so interesting that after 19 months so many are still trying to grasp just who this man is. Has there ever been a president before for which that was true? Most attempts to describe Obama include the phrase 'he's very bright." We've, of course had the left describing every Republican president as dumb, stupid, etc., etc. But have we ever had to reassure ourselves that this president is "bright?" It is just odd.
At the Contentions blog,Rich Richman quoted Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren as saying that "his access to senior administration officials and advisers to the president is good but that Obama exercises very tight control and 'this is a one-man show.'" Richard Epstein, who knew him at U.Chicago, said that Obama has to be in control, that he doesn't like disagreement, and that he doesn't change his mind. Paul Gigot said that Wall Streeters told him that Summers and Geithner said they were just expected to "run the numbers" and not have any input on policy. I'm not quite sure what all this means, but it is troubling. "Professed believers in marxism or self-labelers as marxist expose themselves as so far outside acceptable in the US that only a very few tenure-protected academics might or a very few self-destructive wackos."
No no no no no no no no no. NOT true, Bruce. I have several young acquaintances - I follow them on Facebook, Xanga, etc. Their friends, when asked to put down their political beliefs, put down "Marxist". A number of them call themselves "Christians" as well. They are liberation theology types. Marxism is cool in their crowd. My sister works very close to the Capitol, in a Department of Labor office. Her newest co-worker is a young woman who cheerfully and happily proclaimed herself to be a Marxist on her first day at work (this was about six weeks ago). I ran into young people at George Mason University when we protested the Health Care vote this Spring. They were wearing communist t-shirts. I am almost 40 (sigh -- hanging on to 39 as long as I can). But I thoroughly remember the horror stories coming out of Soviet Russia when I was young. These under-30 types who were toddlers when the Berlin Wall fell have absolutely no idea. If one used the word "Gulag" in front of them, they wouldn't bat an eye. They wouldn't understand. Obama is a vulgar Marxist. He believes in the Marxist theory of surpluse value, which is the essense of Marxism.
Listen to my interiew at the Jimmy Z show about this particular topic: http://hyphenatedamericans.blogspot.com/2010/06/hyphenated-american-on-jimmy-z-show.html Oblama is a Bowist. A political ideology that bows to Fascists, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, and other axe murderers.
The difference between a Liberal, Socialist and Marxist is the relative limpness of the proponent's wrists, with the Marxist most likely to advocate use force to achieve his/her ends.
On FireDogLake the other day they were trying to figure out the difference between Liberals and Progressives. The consensus was that a Liberal wanted to use financial tools to encourage certain behavior or results, while Progressives favored outright mandates. In other words, the difference between mere thieves, and thieves who were also thugs. That sounds like "disenlightened" distinction among Liberals, Socialists, and Marxists.
In Britain the war against the left has been continuous and dirty for 65 years now...forget the label and concentrate on the fight, for the end result is the same and equaly awful.
The author says: "...But, he's not a marxist, just imbued with the infantile socialism and leftist world view he was and is immersed in, and that is protected from penetration by his chosen similars..."
And, where exactly do "marxists" come from? Oh, come on. What is a marxist? You act as if a marxist, or communist, or facscist, etc, are born that way. Come on. Obama lived in that world, studied that world, and immersed himself in it 100%. How do you think Marxists are made? Wow. Do you really think you are qualifed to know what Obama is or is not thinking? It is his actions that define him. Obama's actions are those of a leftist, in almost all things.
The discussion here is what kind of leftist he is. As stated in the post and in the discussion, one may assume or guess, but it really doesn't matter. His actions are anti-thetical to the traditional, whether moderately liberal, centrist or conservative. The point of the post is that, and that there's better ways to persuade than by calling names that are considered by most as extreme (note, I remarked surprise in the post that only 55% perceive O as "socialist"). The other point of the post is that one harms oneself and one's purpose by using words and actions that alienate others whom one needs to get rid of Obama et. al. The discussion, as they do, has mostly gotten caught up in what name to label Obama, rather than being effective in persuading. A label may satisfy oneself, but will not persuade others who aren't already on your side. Socialist Party of America presidential candidate Norman Thomas in 1948:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." I am a Dutch liberal who moved to New York in 2002. I grew up in a socialist family, studied Political Science and American Studies in Amsterdam in the early 1990s and was a volunteer on the 1996 Clinton/Gore campaign. American understanding of political philosophy and definitions of the various isms is horribly messed up. Liberalism everywhere in the world means capitalism; individual liberty, rule of law, free enterprise, etc. Barack Obama is an old-fashioned hardline marxist-leninist demagogue. One of my professors in university, Kees van der Pijl, was a stalinist, a real one, member of a splinter of the Dutch communist party. Obama is more hardline than him. If you know the jargon, the code words, it is pretty obvious who Obama is. Obama is implementing his marxist-leninist vision by nationalizing whatever he can and using corporatist structures - "public-private partnerships" - for whatever remains of the private sector. Boards comprised of government, labor unions and management will run production. That approach builds on strategies and tactics that have been developed in over 150 years of socialism, in particular European ideas from the 1930s. Mussolini was editor-in-chief of the socialist party newspaper. His fascism was a way to implement socialism in national unity, avoiding the kind of civil war that was going in the young Soviet Union at the time. German national socialism build on the same thinking and there was a lot more back and forth between fascists/nazis and social democrats in the 1930s than has been acknowledged after the war. For example, Belgian socialist leader Hendrik de Mann collaborated with the nazis. Why can't you people see what is going on?! The last three years have been an orwellian nightmare for me. You can't even point out the obvious, that of course Obama is a socialist, even worse, he is a communist of the most ruthless ends-justify-the-means variety. Obama is dragging America into totalitarianism and will stop at nothing. Rush understands that he's an entertainer and conducts his show accordingly. Discourse over a cup of tea isn't his style, nor is it productive in pushing back the libs and their agenda. Glen Beck acts in a similar way on the air, but his books are more reasoned, lower key, and well documented.
Obama's associates from birth have been Marxists. His grandparents, parents; his mentor Frank was a card carrying Communist. Bill Ayers has stated that he's "a small c communist". Rev. White's creed is Black Liberation Theology, which is Marxist/Black Supremacist. Look it up if you don't believe me. Obama sat there enjoying that stuff for two decades - don't tell me he didn't. Many of the people Obama has appointed are Libs who are communist sympathizers, or at least committed socialists. Van Jones, for example. It's remarkable how boldly he staffed his administration with people like Jones. To actually dig into this stuff is horrifying. Few have done it. Do you recollect the Obama campaign office with the Che poster on the back wall? The key to all this is Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom". One of the interesting chapters concerns why the worst people rise to the top. I wish we could get everyone to read it. Well, it has been #1 on Amazon recently. Yes, Marx is nuts. The Communist Manifesto goes along fairly reasonably for 30 pages, and then runs completely off the rails for the final 30. Abolition of families and all personal property, etc. Wives referred to as private postitutes. On and on. Read it. It is deadly serious. The libs (who stole the word so we can't use it to describe the philosophy of the Founders) claim that the reason socialism hasn't worked so far is the right people haven't been in charge. There is nothing liberal about the libs. They are leftist/marxist. Since they pretty well understand that Communism (state owenership of productive enterprise) isn't workable, that leaves the other totalitarian form: Fascism. If you think they will go about this fairly, you are deluded. Read Jonah Goldberg's book and study up on Alinsky. Rush understands that he's an entertainer and conducts his show accordingly.
Exactly - excellent point. And that is a large part of the problem because we've replaced civil discourse and debate at all kinds of levels with extreme "got 'cha" talking points and ill-tempered, ill-considered language. The President is what he is - Marxist, Facist, Space Alien - it does not matter what he is or what he calls himself - it is what he does that matters and what he has done is not in step with mainstream, middle America. I put Rush on the same level as Olberman or Schultz - fixing their place in time by extreme and contemptuous commentary. I live in a small town and small town poliltics can be as argumentative and contentious as any big city. But we're all on the same volunteer Fire and EMS crews, we all coach our kids, run our Scout troops...we have to cooperate with each other, not call each other names and place labels on their politics. Actually Rush didn't go far enough.
The term "Statist" is an apt generalization for all forms of tyranny, including democracy, socialism, fascism, communism, hereditary monarchies, warlord-run tribes, and theocracies. For a thorough-going description of the Statist, I commend to you the words of Woodrow Wilson in his essay "Socialism and Democracy", written in 1887, before the Progressives had learned to dissemble. [http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/index.asp?document=2208] Draw your own conclusions. --WH Kesler's right.
I've been a conservative my entire (lengthening) life, and I can only take Rush in short doses. What's happened in this country is the Left has politicized everything from bowel movements to cosmology. When conservatives fall into the polarization mode, they step into that trap. What we need is America back. I like Rush, but he isn't the answer. Venn diagram time.
Marxist, Socialist, Liberal, fascist, statist. Go for it. Rush says Obama's engaged in a deliberate effort to ruin the country.
He's right and wrong. Obama's engaged in a deliberate effort to reshape the country, but Obama thinks the new shape will be better than the old shape. He's wrong of course. Obama wants a country where profits are good if and only if they serve the purposes of the state, as determined by the whims of the democratically elected powers that be. Obama wants a country where the national interest is subordinated to the international interest, as determined by the whims of despots, socialists, and nihilists around the globe. Obama wants a country where politiciized science is used to justify restrictions on human freedom, as determined by the whims of Hollywood, grant-dependent academia, and approval-seeking journalists. I agree with Tom Francis that you have to find a way to talk to your neighbors without turning them off by calling names. So we'll have to be prepared to be specific about policies we object to and why they're individually harmful. But there's also a need to put policies in context. I think it's very dangerous that we're afraid of the power of the name of an overarching philosophy with longstanding roots and established tactics. At some point you have to advance the discussion to an understanding that each of these awful policies is not a separate, and innocent, error. And you've got to use some abstract categorization and history to make that point.
Last year Rush said that he hoped Obama failed. My uncle considered that a bad statement to make about a President.
When I see what Obama has done or wants to do with regard to health care, the Stimulus, cap and trade, foreign policy, I also wish Obama fails or had failed. |
Tracked: Jul 10, 05:13
Tracked: Jul 10, 10:31
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 11:59
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:01
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:04
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:09
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:14
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:32
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:54
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:55
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 12:57
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 13:01
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 11, 17:32
Thanks to a reader for pointing out this remarkable piece by Woodrow Wilson, Socialism and Democracy. A brief sample: In face of such circumstances, must not government lay aside all timid scruple and boldly make itself an agency for social reform as w
Tracked: Jul 22, 19:48