This morning I saw my son off to sleepaway camp. The mother of my son’s seatmate on the bus and I met and spoke briefly. It turned out we have family (all Jewish) and other friends in common back East.
She was in law school with Obama at Harvard.
She says that Obama was not particularly “political” at that time. [My thought: probably unnecessary as most there likely agreed on most things.]
She says that Obama is not an anti-Semite. [My thought: So what if he hires “court Jews”, hangs out with real anti-Semites, and even for – in his opinion – the best of reasons weakens Israel.]
She says that Obama is a good listener. [My thought: So what, if he only listens to those who agree with him.]
She is an Obama-loyalist, only offering the criticism that he is “indecisive.” [My thought: Only indecisive while trying to figure out how to get away with weakening allies or national security, or propel the US into further debts, enlarge government intrusion into and control over our lives, and undermine free enterprise.]
As seen from the [ ]s brackets, I kept my thoughts to myself, only saying on parting that I am a Republican who wants to have an open mind, and listen, and hope she will call me for a coffee so I can hear more.