Regular News
As you've probably noticed, one thing that's continually not mentioned in the oil spill articles is why we're drilling in such a precarious spot in the first place. While this isn't how I would have framed it, at least this guy's pointed in the right direction:
Why It's Safer to Drill in the 'Backyard'
Speaking of ecological disasters in the making, this has been predicted for years, and it won't be pretty:
Single Asian Carp Found 6 Miles From Lake Michigan
Asian Carp: They're Getting Near and Why That's Bad News
Any boatspeople out there might want to skim over this:
Boat Safety Tips From the Coast Guard
A nice perspective here:
General McChrystal and the Culture of Exposure
Then came cable, the Internet, and the profusion of media sources. Now you have outlets, shows and Web sites whose only real interest is the kvetching and inside baseball.
In other words, over the course of 50 years, what had once been considered the least important part of government became the most important. These days, the inner soap opera is the most discussed and the most fraught arena of political life.
And into this world walks Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
On the subject, Bruce and I were lamenting in email the other day how sadly different this is going to be for General Prayforus than it was in Iraq.
(H/T Theo) For those of you under, say, 60 or so, this is exactly what happened in Vietnam. If you were looking for one word to sum up our failure there, it would be the word handcuffed.
Update: Well, that was coincidental. I wrote the above last night, dropped by Theo's this morning, and what did I see?
So let's hope this is true:
Petraeus to relax rules of engagement in Afghanistan?
Speaking of guns, here's a revealing little gem from Cracked:
5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)
Political News
First Lady Shows Off Her Jump Roping Skills