"Every Other Monday: Twenty Years of Life, Lunch, Faith and Friendship" by John Kasich
There is a climate black list
A little history of "Arbeit macht Frei"
Most millionaires are only millionaires for a year
Ouch: The Law of Supply and Demand Strikes the Law Business
Roger Simon: Does Barack Obama want to be president? We always thought he was running to be VP
Amsterdam mayor considers using 'decoy Jews' to combat anti-semitism
Missouri: The Next Health Care Battle. These days, feels like the country is falling apart. Unemployment, Afghanistan, health care, a government war against Arizona, higher taxes on the way, etc.
A crucifixion in Saudi.
Brit nannies label cardiovascular disease "largely avoidable." Since when?
Not your grandfather's Connecticut
Sharron Angle fights back. Lots of Conservative women out there this year. To the minds of Leftist women, Conservative women cannot be Feminists. That is the No True Scotsman Fallacy.
Is Illinois the New California?
Headline if Bush were still Pres: "General McChrystal Speaks Truth to Power"
From VDH's Obama’s Straws And Our Tired Back:
...it might be better anyway for Obama to have a hostile “them” Congress that he can perpetually run against. That can take the place of a now stale “Bush did it.” As it is, the Democrats give Obama what he wants, and what he wants is not what we the people want, at least if polls are any indication.
But with an obdurate opposition in power, Obama can speechify and do what he does best: demagogue, soaring with we should and must do without much worry about the icky details of actual implementation that never will come due to all those right-wing Beck and Hannity types.