The IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney, says IPCC insider
Compare, contrast: News Judgment, Washington-Post style
Chantrill begins:
It is true that liberalism is cruel, corrupt, wasteful, and unjust. But one should never forget its delusion. The delusion is a simple one. It is a belief that government can be made rational and efficient. This delusion leads our liberal friends into disaster after disaster.
Applebaum: Acting like politicians can solve all our problems just makes us look weak
NPR Poll Shows Tough Road Ahead For Democrats
MSNBC bashes the O. Scroll down and see the Frank Luntz video. Good grief. Americans really can see through BS.
Powerline: Was Einstein bright?
Tiger: Meritocracy and teachers unions cannot coexist
A new friend in Iran? Ahmadinejad: Obama Is Immature
Remarkable: One-fifth of NYC supports Tea Party
Hillary Clinton: Secretary of Your Estate
No Soccer please, we're Moslems
Cruel, via Insty:
IN THE MAIL: From Mike Cullen, Whiny Little Bitch: The Excuse-Filled Presidency of Barack Obama. That’s rather harsh for a sitting President, but it does support my observation that Obama’s first term has already morphed into Bush’s second term. .
If not Carter's...
Now Mr. Bawer finds himself cited for "Islamophobia" in an official report from Norway's near parodically Orwellian "Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion". .
A repeat, which splains it all:

Tracked: Jun 17, 10:30