Photo: An overly-distracting employee. I agree: you cannot have people looking like that working with guys. Biology is just too strong.
The real two Americas: government employees and regular people
No external effort can help Haiti, but this kind of BS is worse than help. Haiti needs jobs, then all else will follow. But it's so corrupt, nobody will place a factory there. And forget tourism to this hell-hole - unlike neighboring Dominican.
The next generation of home buyers has too much college debt. h/t Insty
Where to start in building utopia? I suggest nationalizing all the profits of greedy TV and Hollywood stars, for starters. Then we can take over the summer homes of university profs - for the greater good. Maybe then give those homes to the homeless victims of Capitalism.
Win a soccer game by more than five points and you lose, Ottawa league says. Life is all about self-esteem, you know. Or is it self-love? This is a sickness.
Barone: Obama's 'Chicago Way' plunders the private sector
Providing health care will get you investigated. h/t, Dr Helen
White House political team stumbles, bumbles
On his first real job, the O avoids real work. Wonder whether he has ever read a management text.
Related, here's a winning issue: Broken Record Obama Lashes Out at GOP on Economy – Pushes for Tax Increase
All sides - the "critics" of Israel, her supporters, and everyone in between--agree that the "peace flotilla" affair is a disaster for Israel. I disagree. I say it is a victory for Israel, for truth, and for civilization in its eternal war against barbarism. The affair has not discredited Israel, but its "critics." It has made it plain beyond a shadow of doubt that the "critics" are in reality remorseless enemies who deny Israel the right to exist, as shown by the fact that they have portrayed Israel's perfectly legitimate and necessary act of self-defense as a crime against humanity. The "critics" have thus uncovered the truth about themselves and can no longer credibly deny it: that they are not high-minded humanitarians but allies of Hamas in its jihadist war of extermination against the Jewish state.
I like to see all kids working at crappy jobs like I did. This does not bode well for America's future: