High water in Nashville
More Tea Bagger Presbyterian violence
"Say it with roses, say it with mink, but never never say it in ink." Be careful about what you put in emails.
Office jerks: How Dad's Yelling Can Spawn an Office Tyrant
"A standup comedian who was sued for making mother-in-law jokes has had the last laugh after a federal judge threw the case out of court."
Gov Christie fires a NJ Judge. Good quote from him:
"Many of these decisions have been results in search of a rationale."
In other New Jersey news: A brave new documentary reveals the corruption, waste, and stupidity of education spending in New Jersey.
Pisciotta: Top 10 Reasons to Rely on Private Sector Markets
Legal Ins: NY Will Actively Subvert Immigration Laws
Mankiw: Much to Love, and Hate, in a VAT
Lowry: The Greek Unions -- And Ours
Leaving Arizona
Kudlow: Keynesian Spending has Zilch Effect on Recovery
Protein: “The Left loses its way by abandoning ‘third way’”
Criminality and illegal immigration: NYM has the other side of the story
Where are the pretty pink unicorns? Peters: We can't appease Islamists
Ten years ago, the European Union with great fanfare unveiled the “Lisbon Agenda”, a ten-year action plan to make the EU “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”.
It flopped. Europe is less of a factor today than it was ten years ago in the high-tech world. Even before the crash the EU lagged behind China, India and the United States when it came to economic growth. It is emerging from the recession more slowly than the others and there are no signs that Europe has overcome the problems that have slowed its growth. As for ‘greater social cohesion’, look at the trade union riots in Greece. Look at the tensions with immigrants; look at the rise of extreme right-wing parties.