From the Huffington Post:
State-sponsored anti-Semitism... in 2010? ... in VENEZUELA? On the surface, it didn't make sense.
But as we continued our investigation, the evidence continued to build. There was the anti-Semitic graffiti sprayed on the synagogues and businesses owned by Jews; there was the police raid on the Jewish school Hebraica that was based on a "tip" that the school was involved in an assassination plot [no evidence was ever found]; there were the frequent publications in the state-run media calling for the expulsion of the Jews; and there was even the anti-Semitic rhetoric of President Hugo Chavez himself.
Perhaps it is this last example that Jewish Venezuelans fear the most. When your own president is comparing Zionists to Nazis on national television, and insinuating that it is people of your religion that have all the wealth in the world ("the descendants of those who crucified Christ"), and then publically expels the ambassador of Israel during a war that your country has nothing to do with, I can understand why you might start to feel nervous.
But why? What could possibly be the motivation?
Maybe that is most shocking of all....
Below is the preview. What will be the conclusion?