Now that ObamaCare restricts the pay of all at health care firms to $500k, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie – struggling with the huge deficits that are causing states to cut basic services -- wants to restrict the pay to executives of non-profits that provide services to the state for aid to 1 million needy families.
Depending on size, pay will be limited to between $105,850 and $141,000.
Executives are not the only target for contract changes, according to the memo:
• State money shall no longer be used for any employee seeking reimbursement for tuition, textbooks and supplies "unless such courses are required by the contract, licensing certification and Medicaid standards."
• Agency officials must seek state permission before they buy a new vehicle. They must justify its use to fulfill the state contract, demonstrate they have sought three bids, and shall not to exceed $25,000 unless they are buying a passenger van or vehicle for disabled people.
• Agency officials must seek state approval before spending more than $250 per person, per event on travel expenses.
• State money may not be used to defray severance costs unless the employee served more than a year with the company. And that would be capped at two weeks of severance pay and benefits.
Executives can try to make more from private contributions targeted to their salaries, bonuses and benefits. That should be interesting.
The President's Permanent TARP Bailout Socialist Bill The bill authorizes the FDIC to borrow from the Treasury "up to 90 percent of the fair value of assets" of any company it seizes. A Despicable Person on So Many Levels: The father of our 35th president was widely reviled in his own time as an unscrupulous operator in the worlds of high finance and politics. Having invested heavily in the presidential candidacy of Franklin Roosevelt, he was rewarded by FDR first with the post of chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission (Roosevelt famously defended his appointment of a man thought...
Tracked: Apr 28, 10:51